Have you listened to the howling’ly awesome news podcasts from Lord Baldrith and Asclepius?? WHY NOT?? These guys are amazing. Fantastic voices, great personalities, and they deliver the news to you by audio in a way that’s fun and entertaining!
The show has started adding Guest stars and planned for this Friday is a twofer! David Peters and Sir Frank! Now there is some contention as to whether this is a PvP intervention.. or an attempt to start some PvP *winks* so you’ll have to listen to the podcast to find out!
The News cast is usually published by midnight Eastern Time (Give or take an hour or two in either direction based on various factors).
I’m truly honored to work with both these guys as they do an amazing job! So listen into them and their guests this week. They will cover the news AND follow that up with some interview questions!
Echoes from the Cavern.
To listen to it or get all your options. It can be downloaded, played online, grabbed from Itunes (Echoes from the Caverns on Itunes), obtained using any podcasting software, Soundcloud, Tumblr, AND Its played on Avatar’s Radio as well!

P.S. – Stay tuned for future guests! I am already in talks with several fantastic people to be on the show and will be marking the calendar as dates and visitor’s are confirmed:
Calendar | Echoes from the Cavern.
More importantly if you are interested in being on the show drop me a note! This is a community project for the community. You don’t have to be a community leader, dev, or high pledge or meet any other criteria to be on the show. What you have to be is… interested and willing, and that’s all! We want to hear the voices of the community and every voice is important! You might have to wait for an open date and they may be booking up fast), but beyond that were willing to work with anyone willing to be a constructive and mature “caller” on this Podcast show!
Have ideas or suggestions? Ill take those to!