August 9 2014

Have News, Advertisements, events, or looking for something to do?

*Crack goes its wippy tail!*

Lord Baldrith and Asclepius cracked the wip at me and said “Hey Stile, get off your arse and start having some of the community send us some news!!” So please help me out so they don’t beat me to badly! If you have news articles you see in the forums, on the net, that you are involved in, about yourself, your guild, advertisements, or anything else Shroud of the Avatar related drop us a note!

You can use one of these contact forms, although ideally send it to myself (Stile), and ill forward onto them – as that way I can also do it as a text post at the Caverns for you.

Contact | Caverns, Dungeons, and Beyond.

Contact Baldrith | Echoes from the Cavern.

Contact Asclepius | Echoes from the Cavern.

I Figured id put together a couple of topics together on this post though. I’m always looking for “reporters” for the Caverns, Dungeons, and Beyond also. Someone to help do news pieces. I empower the people I work with, I do not direct or dictate. Ask Lord Baldrith, Sir Iscyle, Gabriel Nightshadow, Timelord, Amber Raine, Asclepius, or any of the many other people I have or do work with! I do not take credit for your work and in fact I will help try to get you recognition for it! I am very easy to work with – its a hobby, its for a game, its supposed to be fun!

You can do news on:

  • Specific topic(s) that you follow or that are important to you
  • On things from certain places or locations (MMO web sites? The forums? etc..)
  • On nothing particular just what you fill like when you feel like it.
  • You can do one post a year or 20 a day.
  • I can forward you stuff right to your email so you don’t even have to look for news!

If you have:

  • WordPress experience that is great!
  • If you do not its not hard, and ill help teach you as you need and want (I even have some instructional videos..)

If you want:

  • Ill help make some custom graphics for you
  • Ill give you an Ankh quill of your own color
  • A email address if you want one (not required)
  • A contact page on the site(s)

What I ask is:

  • Try to be casual – don’t worry about being mr. stuck up professional
  • Be yourself, have fun with it
  • Put your life first
  • Stay away from politics
  • When criticizing something by adding opinions always be do it constructively
  • Don’t do anything illegal or in violation of Portalariums TOS
  • Don berate other people and treat them how you want to be treated
  • Don’t public Founder, Dev+, or things told to you in confidence that are not public
  • Disagree with Portalrium or someone else relevant to your topic but do it politely and don’t start a war
  • Use common sense
  • That you ask me for anything you need so I can try to help it, because otherwise ill leave you alone
  • You let me thank you often
  • That I can communicate with you be email – It is more powerful in that its not limited to any one platform

Theater Masks Logo for Echoes v2

Ankh Quill

August 9 2014

Is Soundcloud of value to you for Podcasts from Echoes of the Caverns?

So I started putting the Echoes of the Caverns podcasts on Soundcloud recently. This is in addition to it going on Itunes, played on Avatars radio, Tumblr, your own faviorite podcast program, direct from the website, or download them!

So now that Soundcloud has been going for a few weeks – IS that an important platform to you? As here’s the deal: Soundcloud was a testing platform. As its only free for a tiny bit of space! So just getting a feel for how people feel about if they want to use it.

At this time what Ill be doing is deleting the older casts to make room for the new ones. If its a popular platform im going to run a fundraiser to fund it. It could be funded a month at a time at 15.00 a month or 135.00 a year. Don’t really want to put the fund raiser / financial tracking in place for it though unless people are using it! You can use it without needing to donate though.. Just want to know there is a need and if there is ill do a fundraiser. So if thats of value to you, leave a comment, drop me a note, etc. If i hear from a couple people they like that option ill set up a funding bar.


Ankh Quill

August 9 2014

Llama Death of Old Britain-Written by Eriador-Sung by Lord Baldrith

Hello Everyone…Lord Baldrith here with a Song by Eriador!  Bare with me again in song as I try vocalizing this dark, yet orchestrated melody.  I hope I did it the way you wanted Eriador 🙂

Background music by Alexandr Zhelanov called Ambush in Buch.

Here is the lyric:

Eriador – Llama Death of Old Britain

Ok, is a song related to SotA and the death of Old Britain (like my llama-novel):

And now is time to wear my shroud,

the road will hide four legs,

Eight virtues, you should be proud

but your world is going to end.

The moon will shake, the river cries

the stars demand a crash,

And you will die, and maybe rise

where lie the avatars.

And the purple death, the purple death,

will consume your dreams,

But if one day again we cross our breath

remind me how it feels.

Yes, if one day just we cross our breath

remind me how it feels.
