Few updates over at Echoes from the Caverns (Podcasts directed and produced by Lord Balddrith and the New Britannia Theater Troupe).
Updated the Casts page with some additional contributing artists.
Also added an “advertisement page”. This will be for people that submit advertisements. That may be guild advertisements, in game events, really anything! These can be pre-recorded and submitted or Lord Baldrtih can be asked to do them. Note that at this time, time permitting Lord Baldrith is doing these as time allows and the like. He can choose to skip doing any of them if they may be political or any other concern – and if we have to many of them time constraints may prevent them from being done! Once we are playing the game his time is going to be more valuable so its possible we might charge a gold fee to compensate from lost time in game for it sortta thing (but if that comes about it would be fair.. just if hes loosing an hour of game time – what does that equate into sortta thing).
For now though its not a burden and we love to help the community all we can!