September 25 2014

The Avatar Chronicles, coming this Saturday!

2/2/2025 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

No one says it better then Asclepius! He did a little advert for Avatars radio to play and some have requested that they be able to listen to it on their own schedule, so I am posting it for you! I will let Asclepius take it from there..

The New Britannia Theater Troupe

Want to listen to an even, much older Advert on this by Lord Baldrith? We have that!!! Just remember, this is a very old add so it’s outdated material, but with Lord Baldrith unavailable right now I wanted to put his voice on this as well 🙂

2/1/2025 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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Category: Advertisement
September 25 2014

The Journey – by Womby – Narrated by JLWChambers

1/29/2025 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius
Again I am delighted to welcome our guest narrator JLWChambers
He is bringing to us a delightful story by Womby, entitled
The Journey
Background music “Painted Dreams (mockup)” by Matthew Pablo at

The Journey

Sharon was exhausted. She had been running and hiding for two days and nights now – ever since those abominations had emerged and began terrorising the southern Vale. She was unarmed, and had not eaten since she fled her farm.

An hour ago she had sought shelter at her cousin’s property, only to find his decapitated body in front of the smouldering remains of his house. Her last hope was a vague memory she retained from her childhood.
Somewhere in the nearby hills was a cave, and that cave led to a vast underground cavern. Her sister had wanted to explore it then, but Sharon had been too timid. Perhaps now it could take her to safety.
It seemed like a reasonable plan, given that she had no other options.

It took some searching, but eventually Sharon recognised the oddly shaped rocky overhang that looked a bit like a nose, and squeezed into the small cave entrance hidden behind some shrubs.
Turning the first corner she was plunged into darkness, and paused while her eyes adjusted. A soft luminescence emitted by moss covering parts of the tunnel walls gradually became visible.
It made navigation difficult but possible. Cautiously Sharon crept further down the cave.

After a few more turns the tunnel branched, and Sharon was faced with a choice.
She figured there would be many such choices, and decided to always take the leftmost branch, and if that didn’t work out, track back and try the next.
She had always been methodical like that, a trait that her sister Rachel found annoying. She missed her sister, more so now than ever.

The scratching of claws on rock made Sharon freeze in her tracks. Slowly inching forward, she saw that the tunnel opened up into a large cavern with several exits.
The source of the sound was a Kobold. It had apparently been prospecting, and was now loading rock samples onto a small cart. After a short while the creature tossed his pick on top of the samples and headed off into one of the exits, pushing the cart in front of him.

Sharon feared becoming lost in these endless tunnels even more than she feared the Kobold, so she decided to follow him at a discreet distance.
Maintaining that distance proved surprisingly easy, as the Kobold’s cart made quite a racket. Keeping track of his location was not difficult.
Well, for a while that is. Until there was a loud crashing sound, followed by deathly silence.

A couple of turns later and Sharon found what remained of the Kobold’s cart.
It lay in splinters, with rock samples scattered everywhere. All that remained of the Kobold were dark stains on the tunnel walls and a steady drip of blood falling from a large hole in the roof of the tunnel.

With her eyes fixed on the hole, Sharon crept past and continued on.
Sharon was starting to feel faint from hunger now, and thirst was a constant preoccupation.
The violent death of the Kobold had been unsettling, and she began to wonder if she had made the right choice in entering the cave system.
Her sister would have said “Nothing ventured, nothing gained” and pressed on. Sharon was now forcing herself to be more like her sister simply to survive, and the strain was beginning to show.
In fact, it seemed she had begun to hallucinate. Sharon swore she could smell fried onions. Wasn’t that a stroke symptom? Or was that burnt toast?
Following her nose, she broke her rule and turned right at the next junction. A gentle upward slope took her through a couple of turns and then a blinding light marked an opening through which she could see blue sky.
Sharon forced herself not to run as she passed through the opening and found herself on a narrow ledge. Immediately below was a small cottage, from which the inviting smell of fried onions came.
Sharon half fell, half slid down the rocky slope to the base of the cliff.
Picking herself up she crept over to the window and peered inside. An old man was cooking a meal, and looked up as he noticed her at the window.
“Goodness me, you look exhausted. Please, come inside and rest.”
A few minutes later Sharon was recalling her harrowing experiences between mouthfuls of food as she eagerly devoured the shared meal.
The old man listened intently, and his brow furrowed as Sharon recounted the creatures that she had witnessed in the southern Vale, and the fate of her cousin.
“You have been lucky,” he said, “but I also detect a strength and resourcefulness that few possess. The kind of attributes that mark a good mage.
I am retired now, but in my day I made quite the name for myself.
I am happy to share that knowledge with you if you are interested. That is, unless you have somewhere better to go.”
Sharon nodded, and decided to stay.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 24 2014

An Accidental Discovery – by Womby – Narrated by JLWChambers

1/21/2025 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius.
I’m delighted to welcome again our guest narrator JLWChambers, he will be bringing us a great story by Womby, entitled

An Accidental Discovery

Background music is “Haunted – Desolation” by Eric Matyas at

An Accidental Discovery

It was by far the tallest tree in the forest, however its luxuriant foliage and the dense surrounding woods made it impossible to see beyond the first few branches.
Rachel was determined to climb it, for surely it would provide breathtaking views of beautiful autumn scenes that she could capture in her paintings.
Unfortunately the lowest branch was far beyond reach, and she was about to abandon her idea when she noticed a glint of light.
There, just above the lowest branch, something metallic was reflecting the morning sun. It looked like a switch of some kind.

Spurred on by curiosity, Rachel took an arrow from her quiver and slowly pulled back the string on her bow.
The morning breeze had paused, and all was still as she let loose the arrow. A miss, but close.
Trying again, she this time managed to strike the lever, and a weighted rope plunged to the forest floor from somewhere above.
Rachel examined the rope. It was sturdy, seemed fairly new, and was knotted at regular intervals.

Rachel did not hesitate further, and began her ascent. Reaching the lowest branch, she noticed carefully concealed foot and hand holds, and used these to press on.
Her backpack was made large and cumbersome by her easel, so she placed it together with her bow and quiver in a convenient hollow before continuing on.
She was about two thirds of the way up when she noticed the platform above her.
Continuing on she came to a small trapdoor and paused, listening. All she could hear was the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, the occasional creak of the platform as the tree moved, and some animal sounds from the forest below.

She decided to chance it, and gently pushed up on the trapdoor, lifting her head to see if she could spot any danger. All appeared to be clear, so Rachel pushed open the trapdoor, climbed through, and quickly closed it again.
She found herself in an elaborate multi-story tree house. A wooden ladder led upwards to one or more additional levels, and through the main door she caught a glimpse of a rope bridge extending towards another tree.
Glancing at a table she noticed crafted items of a clearly recognisable style. Elves!
On the wall was a large parchment containing a map of the island. The various towns and villages were clearly circled and annotated in a script that she could not decipher.

Just then she was startled to hear movement from the floor above, and quickly hid under the table.
A pair of legs appeared and walked over to the table, standing on the trapdoor that she had just climbed through.
Carefully Rachel reached forward and released the latch on the trapdoor, and the startled elf disappeared as he plunged over 200 feet to the ground below.

Grabbing the map Rachel hastily folded it and stuffed in her shirt, then retreated the way she had come.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 24 2014

The Correct Technique for Dealing with Trolls – by Greyhaven – narrated by Asclepius and littlegeeklost

1/17/2025 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone. This is Asclepius, with another wonderful story from Greyhaven. It is entitled

The Correct Technique for Dealing with Trolls

I am also delighted to welcome littlegeeklost to join in the narration.

Background music is “Blackmoor Tides” by Matthew Pablo at

Greetings All

I hope that you have all taken the opportunity to have a read through Sir Frank’s mighty fine written piece “Death” in the Scribes of Novia forum. A story where young Sir Frank comes off second best to a troll (of the classical variety). The result is somewhat unfortunate, hence the title of the piece.
Should a troll get hold of a true warrior, it is of course the troll that is in trouble, and not the hero. I will elaborate:
There are those who are quick to panic when they are grabbed by a troll, but this should be no real cause for concern if you follow the correct procedure for dealing with the situation.
As the troll’s hand closes around you, be quick to flip your belt-mounted morning star 90 degrees to stop the fingers getting too tight a grip. As it lifts you off the ground it is time to get ready to exploit the troll’s primary weakness – they are particularly sensitive to loud noises. Even Beowulf figured that one out (eventually).
As you are lifted towards its face, and it prepares to bite your head off, just lean to the side and holler as loud as you can in its ear-hole. That should cause it such discomfort and aggravation that you will be quickly dropped (or thrown) to the ground.
Be sure to take advantage of this opening. Smash it as hard as you can on the toes with your trusty warhammer. As it doubles over in pain, this will bring its head down within range of an upwards swing of the hammer. If you put your back into it, and you are using quality equipment, then you can damn near knock it’s head off.
‘ang on matey ! What happens if it is a deaf troll or one without any ears on it ?
I’m sorry Bronwyn, but that is a stupid question which does not merit an answer…
I ain’t got a warhammer or one of those star thingies either – can’t we just shoot it up the ol’ schnoz with a poison arrer?
Ha ha, it might have a big nose but I don’t think it would keep its head still long enough for you to aim at it.
You raise a good point though. Because of their regenerative capabilities, once downed it is important to finish the troll off with poison or fire…
Finish? Bloody rubbish! Start ’em off with a bit of flame, that’s what I say! Much better than thrashing about with a hammer!
Did I tell ye about the time me an’ the Bomb Squad fixed a bunch o’ high-ex around a troll’s privates an’ set em off with a fireball?? I tell ye summut lad, there’s nowt what sorts a troll out faster than exploding gonads!

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 21 2014

In just 6 more days!

6 days from now comes the epic play by the New Britannia Theater Troupe, written by Gabriel Nightshadow!

For now, kick back with dinner, a beer, and a pipe. Enjoy the first 10 pages of the written word! Keep in mind the audio production may differ slightly due to the difference in formats.

On one of the many parallel worlds in the multiverse…
Prologue: New Britannia, Forty Years Ago


The shattered full moon of the lunar eclipse shone bright red in the night sky above
Falura Field. A lone white dove let out a mournful coo as it soared high above. Down
below, tens of thousands charred, frozen, and dismembered corpses littered the blood
stained battlefield, as healers tended to the few hundred surviving members of Lord
British’s army. Lord British lay on the grass, applying pressure to the deep sword wound
in his side. A few feet in front of him were the shattered fragments of the Amulet of
Vazur, with which the evil Lord Shadowreign had unleashed the power of Eight of the
Nine Legendary Dragons (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Red, Black, White, Blue)
upon New Britannia. (Thankfully, once the Avatar had shattered the Amulet with his
Sword of Virtue, Lord Shadowreign lost control of the Eight Dragons and they flew back
to their lairs and went to sleep.) Lord British was surrounded by piles of bone dust, the
remnants of Shadowreign’s powerful army of undead warriors.

(Music fades out. Insert “Viracocha’s Demise” By Eliot Corley)

Lord British’s attention was drawn back to the present by the loud clanging of swords.
He saw the Avatar and Lord Shadowreign locked in mortal combat in front of the Celestial Lunar Rift. The Avatar’s black and gold armor gleamed in the red moonlight.

“I was so close to summoning the Celestial Dragon, Ashara!”, yelled Lord Shadowreign, an imposing figure clad in red and black armor, ” Curse you, Avatar! Lord British stole everything that should have been mine – the throne and Lady Arabella, the woman I love! Why are you helping such an evil man?”

“No, Lord Shadowreign, you are mistaken.”, replied the Avatar, ” Lord British is a good person and our rightful ruler!”

“Avatar, why are you content being Lord British’s lap dog? Our nation has grown weak and pathetic under Lord British’s rule. In the days of old , we were known for the courage of our knights as we expanded our empire by conquering those who opposed us. Nowadays, the other nations consider us to be a toothless tiger, more interested in making peace instead of war. Join me and together we can bring glory back to our nation!”, said Lord Shadowreign.

“Never! You were once a good person, but you have forsaken your virtues and are now driven only by dark desires! You are not worthy to rule over anyone!”, the Avatar shouted, as he swung his golden Sword of Virtue with all of his might.

The Sword of Virtue made a loud humming sound as it sliced through the air and made contact with
Lord Shadowreign’s massive, unbreakable, ebony blade, Darkstorm. Lord Shadowreign’s blade shattered into a hundred pieces.

Lord Shadowreign dropped the broken hilt and took a step back, a startled expression on
his face.

“What?! This can’t be…”, he said.

“Surrender and Lord British may show you mercy!”, said the Avatar, as he pointed his
sword at Lord Shadowreign.

” Never! If I can’t rule New Britannia, then I shall see it destroyed!”, bellowed Lord
Shadowreign,” But first I shall make you pay for ruining my plans, Avatar! Feel my

He began hurling bolts of red mystic energy at the Avatar, who deflected them
away with his sword. Lord Shadowreign began glowing bright yellow as he unleashed
even more powerful mystic energy bolts at the Avatar. The Avatar was slowly being
pushed backward by the force of the bolts.

“You are no match for me, Avatar!”, said Lord Shadowreign, as one of the bolts struck the
Avatar in the chest. The Avatar fell to his knees, momentarily stunned. Were it not for his enchanted armor, the Avatar would have been vaporized.

Lord Shadowreign’s eyes suddenly turned pitch black and he levitated several feet
upward. His body was now surrounded by a crackling globe of red mystic energy.

“Now all of you will die!”, Lord Shadowreign bellowed.

” I will not let you destroy New Britannia!”, said the Avatar, as he dropped his sword
and hurled himself at Lord Shadowreign . The Avatar felt agonizing pain as his flesh
began to burn once he penetrated the outer surface of the energy globe and plowed right
into Lord Shadowreign.

“No…!”, screamed Lord Shadowreign, as they were both propelled through the Celestial
Lunar Rift. After they passed through the lunar rift, the Avatar saw the look of anger
and disappointment in Lord Shadowreign’s face as he realized that he had been defeated.

“Curse you, Avatar!”, shouted Lord Shadowreign. The Avatar simply smiled. He knew
that New Britannia was safe. His work was done. Now, it was time to rest. Then,
everything exploded in a sea of red.

Lord British heard a loud explosion and saw a giant plume of red energy erupt from the
lunar rift before it was sucked back in and the the lunar rift collapsed in upon itself and
vanished. Everyone on the battlefield stood in shocked silence.

Lord British was unaware that a small golden metal fragment had been propelled out of
the lunar rift just prior to its collapse and had fallen at the prophet Nystal’s feet. Nystal
quickly picked up the fragment and slipped it into his belt pouch before anyone could

Suddenly, the Avatar’s Sword of Virtue shot up into the sky. It paused for a few
moments as the eight Runes of Virtue engraved in the hilt began glowing. Then, the
sword suddenly vanished in a flash of light.

“My Liege!”, exclaimed Fire Lotus, as she rushed to Lord British’s side and examined his

wound. (Few people knew that, in addition to being the city’s favorite tavern owner, Fire
Lotus was also a highly skilled healer.)

“You are badly wounded. Let me apply this healing salve and bandage your wound.”, said
Fire Lotus.

“Thank you, old friend. The wound does not appear to be responding to my healing
spell, perhaps because of the enchanted ebony blade which Lord Shadowreign used to
inflict it.”, replied Lord British.

Lord British sighed as Fire Lotus tended to his wound. ” New Britannia has been saved but at what cost? Thousands of my finest soldiers lie dead and our greatest champion,
the Avatar, has been lost!”, he said.

“This is a sad day indeed for all of New Britannia, My Liege.”, replied Fire Lotus, “But
your men showed great courage in the face of insurmountable odds and their sacrifices
were not in vain. This terrible year long ordeal is finally over and we can finally begin to
rebuild that which was lost.”

The tall, slender, white bearded prophet Nystal walked over to Lord British and Fire

“My dear Fire Lotus, you are mistaken. We may have won this battle, My Lord,
but the war is not over.”, said Nystal, “ Lord Shadowreign was not destroyed. The ancient forbidden dark magic which now courses through his veins have made him far too powerful to
be killed by conventional means. He has been seriously wounded and transported to a far
off planet in another universe. Lord Shadowreign will return at the head of a powerful
army to reconquer New Britannia in forty years at the time of the next lunar eclipse.”

“Nystal, you are truly a wise prophet, but are you certain of this?”, asked Lord British.

“Yes, My Lord, of this I am certain!”, replied Nystal.

” How will we stop Lord Shadowreign when he returns?”, asked Lord British, “The
Avatar barely managed to defeat him, at the cost of his own life.”

” The Avatar’s physical form was destroyed by the mystical energies unleashed by
Lord Shadowreign, but his soul is eternal.”, said Nystal, “ It was shattered into 35,000 fragments
which were carried through the portal to your home planet, Earth. These soul
fragments now reside in the most worthy of Earth’s inhabitants. Over the next forty
years, these avatars will be drawn here to New Britannia and compete
amongst themselves to determine who will be The One True Avatar.”

“But will the new Avatar be revealed in time to stop Lord Shadowreign?”, asked Lord

“Yes, I will work to ensure that happens. Until next we meet…”, answered Nystal. He
leered at the lovely Fire Lotus for a moment before vanishing in a cloud of white smoke.

“Do you think Nystal’s prophecy is true, My Liege?”, asked Fire Lotus, “There are
rumors that he is slowly going mad, as others have recently reported seeing him talking to
himself and to inanimate objects on several occasions.”

“No doubt he would be acting strangely, considering how much time he has been
spending in your fine establishment lately. I suspect Nystal is rather fond of you.”,
answered Lord British.

“My Liege…”, stammered Fire Lotus, as she blushed bright red.

“Nystal did warn us about Lord Shadowreign’s plans and his past prophecies have
proven to be true, so I see no reason to doubt him now.,” replied Lord British,” I was so
happy the day my younger half-brother James arrived here in New Britannia from Earth.
We were so close growing up. I can not believe how far he has fallen. I am grateful that my mother and stepfather did not live to see this day. For now, we must make sure that
the Amulet of Vazur does not fall into the wrong hands.”

Lord British cast a spell and the shattered fragments rose from the ground and flew off
into the sky to various remote parts of New Britannia.

“And so it begins…”, said Lord British, as he gazed up into the night sky.

Introduction: Mount Krendor, Four years ago…


A cold arctic wind swept though Mount Krendor, as it continued to snow heavily. A
solitary short, chubby figure, clad in a tattered brown robe, staggered across the
mountainside. The young monk Theodric was beginning to regret his decision to sneak
out of his monastery a week ago after receiving a vision compelling him to come here.
(At the monastery, Theodric was one of the five monks currently writing sections of The
History of New Britannia, Vol. 1, an important responsibility for someone so young. He
had been assigned the task based on the Grand Abbot’s personal recommendation to
Lord British.)
Suddenly, Theodric found himself standing in a lush garden next to a crystal clear
stream. His limbs no longer ached; in fact, he felt full of energy. Theodric looked down
and saw he was now clad in a comfortable white silk robe with blue trim and covered in
mysterious golden runes which he could not decipher. In his right hand was a massive
leather bound book. Theodric could not decipher the writing on the cover or the content
of the pages contained within. He peered into the stream and saw his face. He appeared
to be at least ten years older than he was now, complete with a full beard. Theodric also
appeared to be in much better shape than he was now, with most of his excess body fat
replaced with solid muscle. He heard a sound and looked up to see a lone white dove
soar overhead towards the massive Tree of Knowledge atop a nearby hill. Theodric
could see a beautiful, red-haired woman in a black robe with red trim also covered in
mysterious golden runes standing beneath the tree beckoning him. He did not recognize
her face.
Then everything suddenly turned to white and he found himself back on Mount

In the distance, the shining beacon of light continued to beckon, but Theodric could go
no further. He had been walking for hours and could no longer feel his limbs. Theodric
collapsed from exhaustion and lost consciousness.

A pack of hungry snow wolves spotted the unconscious figure and came charging out of
the nearby woods. A hooded figure suddenly appeared next to Theodric’s unconscious
form. The hooded figure turned and looked in their direction. The snow wolves
suddenly stopped in their tracks and began whimpering. They quickly turned around
and ran off in the opposite direction. The hooded figure picked up Theodric and flung
him over his shoulder. They both vanished in a flash of light.
Theodric awoke to find himself in a mountain cave, clad in a warm, dry robe and lying
on a mat next to a burning fire. He could hear the loud roar of the snowstorm outside.
An elderly, white bearded cloaked figure sat across the fire from him.

“It’s about time you woke up! You’ve been unconscious for three days.”, said the old
man, ” Here, have some fine wine from Fire Lotus’ Tavern. It will warm you up a bit.”
The old man handed Theodric a wine flask.

“Thank you for rescuing me, kind sir. I am Theodric, a monk from St. Valdine’s
monastery. Who are you?”, asked Theodric.

“You may call me Nystal.”, answered the old man.

“The mad prophet, Nystal?”, said Theodric, “I heard that you were once an advisor to
Lord British himself long ago. What happened to you?”

“I’ve been busy searching for the new Avatar for the past thirty-six years, for Lord
Shadowreign will be returning soon and only the Avatar will be able to defeat him once
and for all.”, answered Nystal.

“But wasn’t Shadowreign slain by the Avatar and Lord British thirty-six years ago?”,
asked Theodric.

“No, he was merely defeated. I have chosen you to help me locate the new Avatar and
record the details of our journey for future generations. We will then help the Avatar
recover the lost fragments of the Amulet of Vazur, for only an Avatar wielding the full
power of the Nine Dragons can hope to stop Lord Shadowreign and his invading army.”,
said Nystal. He pulled out a small golden metal fragment out of his belt pouch and held
it in the palm of his hand. The fragment began glowing faintly. “This will lead us to the
new Avatar.”, said Nystal.

“What is it?”, asked Theodric.

“It is a fragment of the Amulet of Virtue, which was worn by the original Avatar when
he died battling Lord Shadowreign thirty-six years ago. “, replied Nystal, ” It is
mystically linked to the new Avatar and will glow bright white when we find him or

“Who are you, really?”, asked Theodric,” Tell me the truth. I can sense when people are
lying to me.”

“Ah, yes. One of your many hidden gifts. You are a learned man. Tell me what you
know about the Old Gods.”, said Nystal.

“According to the Book of Aramus, long, long ago, Britannia faced a grave crisis
known as The Great Cataclysm. On the moon Faralen, an enormous obsidian egg
which had lain dormant in an underground cave for a thousand years was struck by a
dark magic spell cast by the evil wizard Sintar, the last surviving descendant of
Mendarc, who wanted revenge against Lord British for the crimes he committed
against his ancestors. (Sintar himself would later be hunted down and killed in a
magic duel by Marian, leader of the Council of Mages, on New Britannia.) The newly
hatched Star Serpent threatened to destroy Faralen, which would have had
catastrophic consequences for Britannia. Lord British had the Avatar jump into the
Well of Eternity at the Temple of Argosa. The Avatar was instantly transported to the
underground cave on Faralen. After a long and fierce battle, both the Avatar and Star
Serpent were seriously wounded. The people of Britannia assumed that both of them
perished when the moon Faralen exploded, causing the twin moon of Trilliax to shatter as well.

After the Avatar failed to return and Faralen exploded, Lord British went to the
Cadatep (“Stone Circle of The Gods” – Thirty 25 ft tall obsidian statues arranged in a
circle – rumored to be the spot where the Old Gods first set foot on Britannia long,
long ago) atop Mount Helios and cast an unknown powerful magic spell which he had
been entrusted with in an effort to summon the Old Gods for help.
The Old Gods had originally visited us thousands of years ago in Britannia when we
were still primitive cave dwellers. The Old Gods lived in a silver city named Ghidara
which floated in the sky. They were masters of both magic and science. The Old Gods
mated with our women because their females could no longer bear children; hence we
are all descended from the Old Gods. (In fact, it is said that the members of the
Twelve Great Houses who sit on The Great Council are descended from the members
of The Old Gods’ own Council of Elders.) The Old Gods taught us how to make fire
and clothing, tools and weapons and gave us laws to govern us. After many years, the
Old Gods left us, saying that their other children needed their help but promised to
return someday to aid us if necessary.

The most famous of the Old Gods was the warrior god Darhan, ruler of the Old Gods.

Darhan had three sons. The eldest, Jonir, was a mighty warrior and sorceror, but he
had a heart as black as night. He took great delight in tormenting mankind. The
second son, Barek, was wise and kind, and a powerful sorcerer. He used his gifts to
aid mankind. The youngest son, Galen, was a brave and powerful warrior, who
helped his brother Barek oppose Jonir’s attempts to subjugate man. Eventually, Barek
and Galen were forced to use their combined might to slay their evil brother, but not
before Jonir managed to impart much of his knowledge of dark magic to his secret
apprentice. (As we learned thirty-six years ago, his secret apprentice was Lord

Among the other Old Gods was a wise and powerful renegade whose true name has
been lost to the sands of time. A brilliant scientist, this inventor of time travel
technology was one of the three founders of their society (the warrior god Darhan and
the female mage god Siral being the other two) and was highly respected by the other
Old Gods. He called himself Nystal, and he strongly disagreed with some of the less
enlightened members of The Council of Elders who felt that less developed
civilizations should worship them as gods and serve as slave labor. Nystal resigned
from his position on The Council of Elders and left Ghidara soon after the Old Gods
originally departed from Britannia in order to explore time and space on his own. Of
all of the Old Gods, Nystal had spent the most time interacting with our people and
developed a real fondness for us. He promised to return someday to see how we were
doing, but has not been seen since his departure all those years ago.

Upon casting the spell, the thirty obsidian statues began glowing bright white and
emitted beams of energy which caused a column of white light to form in the center of
the circle where Lord British was standing. Lord British was rapidly propelled upward
into the sky by the column of light as the astonished members of The Great Council
looked on. Meanwhile, the people of Britannia began to panic and ran for cover as the
smallest fragments of both Faralen and Trilliax began striking the planet as meteorites,
demolishing structures and causing numerous fires.

When all seemed lost, the floating city of Ghidara suddenly appeared in the sky high
above Castle Britannia. All Britannians were instantly transported to Ghidara. Our
people witnessed the destruction of the planet from the depths of space as the largest
fragments of Faralen and Trilliax smashed into our planet, causing it to explode.

The Old Gods used something called a hyperdimensional drive to transport their city
through the vortex to a parallel universe where both Faralen and Trilliax were only partially
destroyed. (These parallel universes originally came into existence long ago when the
Avatar shattered the Gem of Eternal Life in order to make Mendarc mortal once again
and allowing him to be slain.) This parallel world was uninhabited because it’s former
inhabitants were not visited by the Old Gods in the distant past and ended up killing
each other in The Barbarian Clan Wars. After relocating us here to New Britannia, the
Old Gods helped us rebuild all we had lost by providing us with more advanced
knowledge, technology and materials.
After several years, Darhan and the rest of the Old Gods departed our new world to
explore other realms. Soon after the Old Gods’ silver city of Ghidara left Mount
Krendor and soared off into space, both Lord British and the Avatar suddenly
reappeared in a flash of light in Castle New Britannia while the Great Council was in
session, with no memory of what had happened since their disappearance. When
news of their reappearance spread to the general populace, some of the people
wondered why Lord British now appeared to have a more youthful appearance, but
most people overlooked this fact because they were just happy to have their beloved
ruler back. The Book of Aramus suggests that some of the Old Gods never left and
may still walk among us, but today most people believe that Aramus’ account of the
Exodus and Founding of New Britannia is merely a fable and that the Old Gods never
really existed at all.”, said Theodric.

“Really? Is that what you young people believe today? What would you say if I told you
that everything described in the Book of Aramus was true?”, asked Nystal.

“How could you possibly know that?”, asked a skeptical Theodric.

“Because I was there to witness it!”, replied Nystal, “We wouldn’t have these problems
with Lord Shadowreign today if Darhan had simply followed my advice and personally
dealt with his son Jonir before he began down the path to darkness. I guess he was
blinded by a father’s love for his children.”

“You knew Darhan personally?”, asked a stunned Theodric.
“Indeed. A brave and powerful man, but certainly not the wisest.”, replied Nystal,
“Stubborn as a mule. Loved beautiful young women and wine. Not as much as I do, of

“You still haven’t answered my original question. Who are you?”, asked Theodric.

“I am Nystal, although in the past I have also gone by the name Hawkwind and
Time Lord. You must promise me never to reveal my true identity to anyone! For over
5,000 years, I traveled through time and space and, while helping those in need, made
many enemies who would like nothing better than to see me dead. That is why I altered
my physical appearance after I left the city of Ghidara long ago.

I deeply regret that I was not in Britannia at the time of the Great Cataclysm. Had I
forseen the rise of Sintar, perhaps I could have done something to stop him. Contrary to
popular belief, despite our mastery of time travel, the Old Gods are not all-knowing.
Thankfully, the summoning spell I had entrusted Lord British with on my last visit to
Britannia in my guise as Time Lord was successful and the majority of Britannians
were saved and relocated here to New Britannia.

About two hundred years ago, my timeship was badly damaged following a hostile encounter
with a Jinrazi battlecruiser and I was forced to crash land here on Mount Krendor. Based on
this civilization’s current rate of development, suitable replacement parts for my ship’s damaged quantum field generator won’t be available for approximately another 2,000 years.
In the meantime, as far as the world is concerned, I am simply the mad prophet Nystal!”,
answered Nystal.

Nystal noticed Theodric’s puzzled expression.

“You have no idea what I’m talking about, do you?”, said Nystal, “Forgive me,
sometimes I do tend to ramble on a bit. Theodric, you are about to play a pivotal role in
the history of New Britannia!”

“So, why did you choose me to aid you in your quest?”, asked Theodric.

“You remind me a lot of your grandfather Tiberius at this age.”, replied Nystal.

“You knew my grandfather?”, asked a surprised Theodric, “I never got the opportunity
to know him. He died before I was even born.”

“That is most unfortunate. Like you, he was extremely bright and inquisitive. Always
spoke his mind.”, said Nystal, “We often debated long into the night about many topics
such as philosophy, law, politics, and science. He rose from humble beginnings to
become the greatest scholar of his era. That is why Lord British chose him to write his
biography, Lord British: The Path of Virtue.”

“I know. Lord British’s biography is still required reading in school today.”, replied
Theodric, “Did you know my grandmother as well?”

“Of course! When I first met Talia, she was an incredibly beautiful, fiery tempered,
powerful young mage – the exact opposite of your grandfather. Nobody thought that
they would make a good couple, but I knew they were meant to be together. I
introduced them to each other and, as you know, they ended up having a very long and
happy life together.”, said Nystal, “By the way, how is your grandmother doing these

Nystal smiled as his eyes briefly glowed.

That evening, as Theodric slept, Nystal teleported out of the cave.

In a moonlit clearing in the woods north of Libris, stood a small wooden cottage. A wisp of grey smoke rose from the chimney. A white-bearded wizard sat on a rocking chair on the porch, smoking on a long bamboo pipe. In front of the cottage, a young female elf was practicing her fire magic.

Lord Baldrith stopped smoking on his pipe and said, “Lanthirthel, try that again! I want you to envision the fire forming in your hands. Shape it into a ball and let it loose upon your enemy!”

Lanthirthel concentrated and uttered the words of magic. A small ball of fire formed in her hands and she hurled it at the plate armor covered scarecrow standing in the distance. The fireball found its target and the scarecrow erupted into flames.

Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 20 2014

The Cure – Pt 2 – by the vagabond – Narrated by Isaiah

1/9/2024 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with the second part of a compelling story narrated by Isaiah. It is entitled

The Cure, by the Vagabond, Part 2.

Background music is “Lurid Delusion”, by Matthew Pablo at

The Cure, by the Vagabond Part 2 of 2

My wife continued… “He also accuses me of being a member of an Obsidian Order, and he thinks people are after him and sending him magic messages.” I felt completely betrayed, and  I gave my wife an angry look and I gritted my teeth.

I knew without the context of what really happened that the alchemist would surely think I was crazy and would prescribe far more potent herbs than I needed. I just wanted the suffering to go away, I didn’t want to become a vegetable. Nevertheless, I accepted this situation.

The alchemist didn’t seem phased by what she told him. Yet I didn’t get the impression  he was a member of the Obsidian Order. I think he was just a normal alchemist going about life. There were more horses outside, and the alchemist said “I’m sorry for all the noise we get lots of horses though here. I’m just asking just in case… Do you think the horses are relevant some how?” I shrugged and admitted “well actually yes. I feel like somebody is trying to send me a message.” Now I know he thinks I’m crazy. At this point I’m beginning to think I might be crazy too. In fact I welcome the thought because maybe this could all go away.

I left that place feeling a bit of relief. Maybe the Obsidian Order is going to have mercy on me. As long as I take this medicine that will numb my mind, they will be able to claim I was just insane and people will deny what really happened to me. It really did happen though… WAIT I don’t want to think those thoughts because they can read my mind. I began to force myself to think “I really believe I am crazy,” after each time I think about the obsidian order so the Order knows that I am going to be obedient and keep their secret locked up safe. It seemed like a good deal.

Two weeks later… I felt a whole lot better. The racing thoughts, and the horrible feelings have completely left me. I was still terrified that somehow it was only temporary. I did still see scratchings on the walls, but it didn’t seem significant to me like it did before. I thought either the Obsidian Order had put misleading graffiti on the wall to help me think I am getting better, or maybe none of this ever happened. I still cannot explain the things that happened during that time. Although I’m fine now and I don’t care. The herbs caused me to gain lots of weight, but at least I feel better. I still have crazy moments, but maybe I was just crazy. I don’t want to remember if I am not crazy. If anybody reads this, get help if you are having any experiences like mine. It seems real. Even if it is real just go get help, and get free.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 20 2014

Something Epic will be released on 9/27/14…

On Saturday, 9/27/14, in the evening (exact time yet to be determined) something epic will ECHO from the Caverns.  aired by both Echoes from the Caverns and played on Avatars Radio, the first part in a four part story will begin. Airing every week this four part series includes voice acting by over TWENTY-FIVE people!

This production done in the style of an old-time radio show has been over three months in the making! Stay tuned between now and next Saturday to learn new information each day until the play goes live!!!

For today,  the cast!

Sir Stile Teckel

The Avatar Chronicles I: Return of the Avatar

 Directed and Produced by Lord Baldrith

 Writer and Music Supervisor: Gabriel Nightshadow


Casting Director and Court Jester:

Time Lord


Assistant Casting Director and Director of Public Relations:

Amber Raine



Lord Baldrith as Nystal, Lord Baldrith, Mingo, and General Ruko


Asclepius as Lord DarkStarr, Red Badger, Kuroseth, Malgor the Mighty, Demon Lord Argax,

Henry, Morgan, Brian, and Group


Joe Garrity as Gabriel Nightshadow


Amber Raine as Young and Adult Chariya and Amber Raine


Carlin Archer as Carlin


StaticGrazer as Lord Shadowreign


Avatar Acid as Theodric


Lord Trenyc as The Tall Albino Man


Majoria70 as Vastra


Duke Greagoir as Duke Garen and the original Avatar


Dwalin Bruchberg as Christopher Nightshadow


Little Geek Lost as Fire Lotus


Sarg as Marius


Brian Manown as Samuel


Sir Stile Teckel as the Mayor of Ardoris


Indi Martin as Lanthirthel and Annese


Dame Lori as Jessica and Katherine


Kamie as Sister Agnes and Lareth


  Sir Cabirus as Hans and Gunther


Steve (Lacr0bat) as Master Jonir, Sir Charles Campbell, Enemy Soldier and Group


Logan (Chips36) as Marek, Teenage Boy, and Group


Elizabeth as Dragon Lord Siobhan, Sarah, and Group


Thornrage as Dragon Lord Jero Oraci and Robert


Brian D. Taylor as Enemy Commander


David Peters as Guard Bob


Stephen J. Goldman as John



Cipheruzmad as Lord British and Barek of the Old Gods


And Starring

Asclepius as The Great Storyweaver 

The New Britannia Theater Troupe

Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 19 2014

Echoes from the Cavern 09.19.2014

1/4/2025 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Echoes from the Cavern 09.19.2014

Hello everyone. This is the newscast for 09.19.2014. Sir Frank and I had a wonderful time talking to Steven J Goldman, producer extraordinaire and member of the Space Bards and the Recap Band. Apologies in advance if parts of the interview are disjointed – my internet dropped out four times during the session!! Made for some interesting and challenging editing afterwards, trying to get something that sounded consistent. We had a great time and learned a lot – hope you enjoy!

News Team logo with moon

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 19 2014

An away mission – some updates at the Echoes

So it is with sad tidings I must report that we will be without Lord Balrdith for a while. He has some life type crap that is going to keep him away for awhile. We wish him lick in his time of difficulties and will await for him patiently!

Meanwhile his First officer Asclepius is going to hold the captain seat for us. Myself as the science officer will fill in the role of first officer a bit more often and help Asclepius do some of the news casts. Tonight Sir Frank is going to be taking that role. Meanwhile we still have the rest of the team all yelling “If im wearing a red shirt I am NOT going with you guys!”. Ok, sorry if you did not get the joke.

So bear with us while Lord Baldrith is away. Things should be running as normal for the most part. We have a couple of dates that may be a bit of a challenge to figure out yet, but the show will continue!!

News Team logo with moon

Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 18 2014

Mark’s Tales of the Unremarkable, No 1 – by Vyrin – Narrated by Asclepius

12/30/2024 Update:
-Links to the .mp3 on this post are now broken
-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with a great little story from Vyrin, entitled

Mark’s Tales of the Unremarkable, No 1.

This is a prequel to a number of tales which we will be featuring in future episodes. Background music is “Step by Step, by Smartsound.

Mark’s Tales of the Unremarkable, Number 1

Hello reader, my name is Mark. The first unremarkable tale I will tell is me. You see, I just woke up in the Vale one day. No light, no disorientation, no unexplainable phenomena. I went to bed one day back in my apartment, and woke up in the Vale, wherever this is. My first thoughts here were pretty straightforward. I figured I had to find something to eat and a place to live and that’s what I did. I stumbled onto an abandoned cottage outside Owl’s Head with four walls and a solid roof. I’m still hoping the owners are gone, not dead really, just not coming back.

Since I was a court reporter, I figured I could offer my services as a scribe. Lord Enmar and a few other nobles give me work now and then. I don’t need much so it’s a steady job. To fill my time I travel around and talk to all the other unremarkable people of the Vale. For some reason I feel I have more in common with them than my outlander brethren. I’m not the type to stare off into the distance with my chin upraised and a furrowed brow. Nor do I feel like crafting stories fraught with breathless enthusiasm for adventure. There are mundane things here too and this world is more than a playground for those of us from elsewhere.

All I know is that if you’re still reading, you must not have much to do with your time. That makes you pretty unremarkable too.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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