February 24 2017

Echoes From the Caverns 02/24/17

Hello everyone! Here is the news of the week. Hope you are enjoying Release 39!:


  • Play Release 39 Now!
  • The Making of Serpent’s Spine Mines
  • The Making of The Fall
  • Ignite Weapon Polish
  • NPC submissions requested for Estgard
  • R38 Lot Deed Raffle Winners
  • Spring Telethon and Expirations Reminder
  • Homes and Basements Weekend Flash Sale
  • Origin PC Steam Key Bundle
  • Alienware Steam Key Giveaway
  • R39 Offline Data Format Change – Character Preservation Notice
  • Spring 2017 Crafter’s Competition
  • Community Livestream – Crawling to K’rul
  • Upcoming Events
  • Community Resources – Players Helping Players
  • Recommended Projects to Back

News Team logo with moon

February 23 2017

Harvest of the Shattered Moon 4 – by Andartianna – narrated by Asclepius

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with the final instalment of this wonderful story from Andartianna. It is entitled
Harvest of the Shattered Moon
Background music by Smartsound

Chapter 9, “Promise, Prison, and Pennyvise”
Iron Marshall and Blight Mister finished off the rest of the skeletons and the party cleared the way to the top floor of the tower. The top floor was filled with all sorts of torture devices, chains, and other horrors. Zazeriz saw Boniface slumped over, hung from chains, in one of the corners. Zazeriz raced over to Boniface and was struck with a Death Ray. She quickly repaired the damage with Healing Touch, but stopped where she stood. A deep booming voice rang throughout the hall. “Servant, have you brought the bonesteel dagger you promised me?”

“Demonic spirit of Saul the Damned, I will do nothing for you. I have burned your mark and extinguished your fell blue flames. You will free Boniface and leave me and my companions in peace or step forward and be destroyed by our hands.” Zazeriz said.

“Small words from an insignificant being. I, however, sense that you have brought the bonesteel dagger with you. I will relieve you of the dagger and your bodies of their flesh and put your skeletons into a prison for all eternity as my slaves.” Saul the Damned said.

The blue light near Boniface began to intensify and an undead mage appeared. He immediately began resurrecting the skeletons that lay around him; each of their creaking brittle bones reforming into hideous abominations. Saul the Damned’s army of skeletons began attacking Zazeriz and her companions. As Zazeriz cast healing spells over her companions, she noticed that each of the skeletons that fell were quickly revived by Saul the Damned.

Zazeriz began searching for a way to prevent the skeletons from reviving. When a close one fell next to her, she quickly dug through its bones searching for whatever items kept it under the control of Saul the Damned. After Zazeriz removed all the items from the skeleton, the bones no longer revived. Zazeriz called out to her companions, “Quickly! Loot every corpse that falls. Take all their items. This prevents them from resurrecting.”

Iron Maiden dashed forward as another skeleton fell and grabbed all the items on its body. The rest of Zazeriz’ party quickly followed suit and within a short time Saul the Damned was all alone. Now the entire party focused all their attacks onto Saul the Damned, which quickly crushed his health. Pennyvise surged forward to crush Saul the Damned’s last health point, but the skeleton mage exploded into blue flames before Pennyvise could hit him. Saul the Damned’s ominous voice rang throughout the hall. “You have defeated me this time, but I will have my revenge should you ever be foolish enough to enter the Artifice.”

Chapter 10, “Saul, Scroll, and Surprise. “
Saul the Damned’s fire vanished from the room and Zazeriz rushed over to Boniface. She reached into her pouch and took out a health potion then slowly dropped it into Boniface’s mouth. Boniface shook with terror for a moment then opened her eyes and saw Zazeriz standing in front of her.

“Ugg those health potions are so sweet. I don’t know how people can drink them.” Boniface said with a half smile.

Zazeriz stifled a laugh then quickly broke the chains that held Boniface to the wall and carefully helped Boniface cross the room. Iron Marshall stepped forward and lifted Boniface into his arms and helped carry her out of the Shuttered Eye Tower.

After about a week of recovering in Ardoris, Boniface was ready to travel back to Ecteter. She was able to stand long enough to use a recall scroll to teleport back to Ecteter. Zazeriz stayed in with Boniface for a few days making sure that she was cared for. Snip-snip visited frequently, and after a short while, Boniface seemed to be almost back to normal. She sat at the long table in the main floor of the Bilge and Barnacle Tavern and stared at Zazeriz. “What is going to happen now?”

“I believe that Organized Chaos, myself included, have decided to enter the Artifice and track down the person responsible for the Blood River Massacre. It seems that their breach has now interfered with both of our lives. I also want to know what the Bonesteel dagger has to do with the Tower of the Shuttered Eye, and the only way I’m going to get answers is to enter the Artifice. I have a surprise for you if you will allow me to give it to you.” Zazeriz said.

“Oh? What sort of surprise?” Boniface asked.

“Follow me and I will show you.” Zazeriz said.

“All right. Lead on.” Boniface said.

Zazeriz led Boniface out into the outskirts of the city of Ecteter where they had been celebrating the harvest festival before Boniface was captured. Waiting on the hillside above the city beside a giant burning bonfire were all the members of Organized Chaos. They all cheered as Boniface walked next to the bonfire.

“Boniface, we know that you were a little occupied with recovering after your ordeal, so we took the liberty of entering your beer into this year’s best in Novia competition of beers.” Blight Mister said, lifting a giant golden stein trophy. “We are happy to say that you won the competition for all of Novia, and here is your trophy.”

Boniface gave an exasperated cry of joy and took the giant golden stein trophy into her arms, hugging it closely to her chest. All of Organized Chaos cheered her on and enjoyed many barrels of beer. As the moon crossed overhead, Zazeriz pondered the future, wondering where hellish fury would find her next and how she would defeat it.

The End for now……

February 17 2017

Echoes From the Caverns 02-17-17

Hello everyone! Here is the news of the week:


  • Clockwork Attack!
  • Town Blessings Update
  • The Making of Rhun Ruins
  • The Making of K’rawl
  • Spring Telethon and Expirations Reminder
  • Clockwork Pets & Shogun Bundle / Decorations
  • Weekend Flash Sale
  • Origin PC Steam Key Bundle
  • Alienware Steam Key Giveaway: Lowered to Level 4
  • R38 Offline Data Format Change – Character Preservation Notice
  • Spring 2017 Crafter’s Competition
  • Boss Battle of the Avatar – Screenshot Contest Winners
  • Community Livestream – Exploring Rhun Ruins
  • Doug’s (IronMaiden) Chemo Relief Fund
  • Upcoming Events
  • Community Resources – Players Helping Players
  • Recommended Projects to Back

News Team logo with moon

February 17 2017

Harvest of the Shattered Moon 3 – by Andartianna – narrated by Asclepius

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with the next instalment of this wonderful story from Andartianna. It is entitled
Harvest of the Shattered Moon
Background music by Smartsound


Chapter 6, “Books, Braziers, and Blight”
Zazeriz headed past the bank and waved at Blackmoor as she passed by the guild register building. Up in the top floor of the combat training building, Parker was usually standing over a book. Today his book was Library Fragments XI. Parker was always dressed in refined armor with gold medallions across his chest. He was a good half a head taller than Zazeriz is. Zazeriz sat on a bench nearby him, and as he finished talking to another person, he turned to Zazeriz, who was sitting patiently waiting for him.

“Good afternoon, Dr. Zazeriz. It has been quite some time since you have last visited with me. I hope all is well with you.” Parker said.

“I am personally doing well, however one of my close friends has been taken to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. I was hoping that you might have some insights into the undead entities that lurk there.” Zazeriz said.

“That is indeed a foul place. Many an adventurer has gone and not returned. From what I have heard, the spirit that lurks there is called Saul the Damned. I believe he is what is left of a failed necromantic experiment. If you are planning on invading the inner sanctum of this demon, I would suggest you bring several companions with you. I have heard rumor that you can weaken Saul the Damned by using either Douse or Soothing Rain on the various braziers of fire that are linked to his power.” Parker said.

“That is a very good insight. I will certainly attempt to Douse the braziers within the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. Are there any other spells you would recommend using while facing the fell beings within the tower?” Zazeriz asked.

“Banish Undead is always an excellent spell to use. Fire will also burn the bones of the undead. I have something else that may assist you in your goal.” Parker reached into his pocket and pulled out a large diamond. “Diamonds can be used to augment your gear and enhance your life attunement. You may take this one. Perhaps your guild has a way to add others.” Parker said.

“I thank you for your help. You have always been a good friend and a gifted master trainer of life. I hope to speak with you again soon. Take care.” Zazeriz said.

Parker nodded and Zazeriz headed back down into the city of Ardoris. Zazeriz moved to the center of the city where a giant statue of a woman had been erected. Gathered nearby were many members of Organized Chaos. Blight Mister stepped forward and said, “We have all gathered and are ready to assist you. Shall we head out of Ardoris immediately?”

“Yes. I have completed talking with Parker. He gave me some insights into the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. We must target the fire braziers throughout the tower to weaken the malevolent spirit who dwells there.” Zazeriz said.

“Alright. Everyone form up and let’s head out.” Blight Master said.

Chapter 7, “Path, Party, and Pointed.”
The path from Ardoris to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye was not very far. You could follow the shore line due east and end up at the gates to the tower within a few short hours. Swampland covers most of the terrain, so you have to carefully make your way around it to reach the tower. The Tower of the Shuttered Eye sticks out as a violent mass of stone on the very corner of the continent Novia. It has three distinct tiers or levels and slightly leans toward the left as if sinking into the swamps that surround it.

Zazeriz’ companions gathered around her as they neared the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. Swamps filled the area to the left, but an old beaten path wound directly to the right toward the entrance of the tower. Almost immediately, fell skeletons began attacking the party. Zazeriz waved her hands, calling for Soothing Rain to gather around her. The rain fell on her companions healing them as they jumped forward to meet the enemy. Blight Mister’s arrows soared across the sky shattering the bones of the first skeleton. Iron Marshal ran and Shield Bashed and a second archer fell into dust. As a third archer began hacking away at her companions, Zazeriz entered a Spellbinder Stance to quickly call for the healing powers of life to maintain her companion’s health. As the fight continued, Zazeriz raised her arms into the air to cast Banish Undead, slamming the skeletons with white light. They shuddered with the energy of the spell and collapsed into dust. Zazeriz and her companions quickly moved toward the entrance of the tower. Zombies began slinking toward them slowly. One by one they cleared the grounds of any evil undead. Finally the tower stood before them. Its massive banner of three snakes twirling in a circle. The serpentine figure colored green towered over a massive glyph like eye that rose above the door. The party pulled the door open walking within the first hall. The entrance hall to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye was like a crypt with spiderwebs covering the ceilings and the walls.

As the party opened the second door entering into the next chamber of the Tower of the Shuttered Eye, the room seemed mysteriously quiet for such an evil place. On the floor just inside the entrance was a dead body with a note. The note said,

“Must get out. Must get out. Horrible. Horrible.”

The poor man must have been tortured by the demons within the tower. Blue braziers flittervesd all around the first floor. On first inspection, Zazeriz could not imagine dousing all these flames, but she attempted to do so, slowly making her way around what appeared to be a giant long forgotten library. Various statues hung in the corners, one being of Anapa Lord of Death. The blue flames began to fade under Zazeris’ spell and the room dimmed, becoming darker. Zazeriz pointed to the rooms along the sides of the walls to have her companions begin searching for Boniface in the tower. While finding Boniface on the first floor was unlikely, they may encounter other prisoners of the tower. They would attempt to free as many as possible.

While her companions were searching the first floor, Zazeriz took the time to look through some of the books on the various shelf. One entitled “The Sorcerer’s Daughter” caught her eye. The author talked about bad dreams, faceless attackers, and dreams that seemed similar to the nightmares Zazeriz was experiencing. As Zazeriz neared one of the five-sided spike braziers, her left pouch began getting extremely hot. She took the pouch at her side and opened it up and found the piece of skin she had cut off glowing bright blue, almost burning her hand through her gloves. Before Zazeriz doused the flame in the brazier, she felt compelled to destroy the piece of skin so she threw it into the brazier. A flash of light lit up the entire room and all the braziers went out. Now in extreme darkness, Zazeriz cast Light on all of her companions. The side chambers were all empty except for some sleeping skeletons which jumped up to attack her companions. They easily dispatched the skeletons. Zazeriz walked across the main hall and felt the urge to sit in the gothic chair near the stairwell. She had the feeling that one could wait at the evil entity’s pleasure to enter the tower, but Zazeriz would wait no longer.

Chapter 8, “Iron Marshall, Illumination, and Iron Maiden”
Iron Marshall moved toward the stairwell and Zazeriz followed closely behind him and cast the spells Enlightenment, Strength of Earth, and Air’s Embrace, to enhance his attributes. Iron Marshall surged forward in a defensive stance as a slime began sliding down the stairs toward the party. The rest of the party attacked with their full strength to kill the slime before it could overpower Iron Marshall’s strength. Within moments, bubbles appeared on the slime and it stopped moving.

The rest of Zazeriz’s party grouped around her and they all walked slowly up the stairwell to the next landing. As they walked through the room, skeleton bodies littered the floor. Within moments of the party crossing the scattered skeletons, the necromantic energies surged around them and the party was attacked on both sides. Zazeriz cast Elysian Illumination, which healed the party around her and damaged the skeletons. Blight Mister launched Multi-shot into the nearest skeleton, shattering the bones into dust. A second skeleton lunged at Iron Maiden, who was standing behind Zazeriz. She turned quickly and cast the Spell of Gust, which knocked the skeleton away. This gave Iron Marshall enough time to Shield Bash the skeleton into a nearby wall.

Once the landing was clear, Zazeriz looked over her companions to make sure no one was badly hurt. She then reapplied her spell enhancements to all party members, and they moved forward up the next flight of stairs. Now that they knew the skeletons on the floor would rise, the party was more wary at each pile of bones. The strength and courage of Zazeriz’ companions was unmatched and soon they cleared floor after floor and made their way higher into the tower. Each landing where they were rooms they check them carefully for any living souls trapped within the towers, but none had survived so far. Finally, as they reached the top of the tower, the amount of fell creatures increased exponentially, and soon waves of skeletons were slamming into Zazeriz’ party’s defenses.

Blight Mister let out a battle cry, and began shooting everything around him. Iron Maiden began reinforcing the party with extra heals and slamming Searing Rays of sun onto the enemies around her. Pennyvise went into a dive next to Iron Maiden, catching a sword about to hit her. He then surged forward parrying the skeleton’s attacks. Another skeleton went after Iron Maiden and she blasted it with a gust of wind, stunning it until Pennyvise Taunted the skeleton to attack him. As the skeleton’s back was turned, Zazeriz cast Banish Undead and the skeleton fell into Pennyvise’s Shield Bash and the rays of light struck it from behind shattering it into dust.

February 10 2017

Echoes From the Caverns 02-10-17

Hello everyone! Here is the news of the week:


  • City Kobolds and Kobold Chests
  • Patterns: Gear and Decoration Reshaping
  • The Making of Upper Fortus
  • The Making of Rhun Ruins
  • The Crawl to K’rul
  • R38 Postmortem Recap
  • Origin PC Steam Key Bundle
  • Alienware Steam Key Giveaway: Lowered to Level 4
  • R38 Offline Data Format Change – Character Preservation Notice
  • Boss Battle of the Avatar – Screenshot Contest
  • Community Livestream – Exploring Blood Bay
  • Community Spotlight: Saint Haley – Player Owned Town
  • Doug’s (IronMaiden) Chemo Relief Fund [Update: Telethon with Dev Crafted Gear Auction]
  • Upcoming Events
  • Community Resources – Players Helping Players
  • Recommended Projects to Back

News Team logo with moon

February 9 2017

Harvest of the Shattered Moon 2 – by Andartianna – narrated by Asclepius

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with the next instalment of this wonderful story from Andartianna. It is entitled
Harvest of the Shattered Moon
Background music by Smartsound


Chapter 3, “Parting, Path, and Pass.”
Zazeriz said farewell to Snip-snip and headed east past the Sawtooth Thicket and the South Quell woods. After two day’s travel, Zazeriz stopped for a night in Honor Hold. The hold was pleasant enough, but regardless of how good or bad the location was, Zazeriz had violent dreams. An evil undead something or other terrorized Zazeriz in her sleep.

Zazeriz had many bad dreams over the millennia, but lately they had been the same thing. Years ago she had been drawn into the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. Whatever evil force condemned all the souls that entered there was wrathful at Zazeriz for managing to escape. The talisman could not be a coincidence. The dark forces of the tower were trying to get Zazeriz to return; but before she jumped back into the tower, she wanted to make sure that Boniface had indeed been kidnapped to draw her there. Perhaps this was not a sinister plan, but a conflict between merchants which could be solved with money.

Zazeriz was not invincible. She often seemed that way because her life attunement was very high and her skill at healing unmatched. She had no great love of the art of damaging things, having patched up so many sick and injured patients over the years. She did, however, enjoy travelling and exploring. Being immortal had the benefit of allowing voyages endlessly. Zazeriz also had no lack of gold, which made her travels more enjoyable.

Zazeriz dashed across Brightbone Pass, bypassing the annoying skeletal mages and archers that lurked the passes. She had spent many hours healing in Brightbone Pass. Many of her companions over the years sought the rich yields of metals and herbs in the pass. They had all survived, thanks to Zazeriz’ healing abilities. With Brightbone Pass behind her, Zazeriz quickly made her way through the West Perennial Trail. There were many little towns on the road to Ardoris, but none that Zazeriz had time to stop in.

Chapter 4, “Ask, Answer, and Advice.”
Within a half day, Zazeriz made the outskirts of Ardoris. As she entered the city, lines of wagons waited to carry people out to the various towns nearby. She quickly crossed the large bridge that marked the entrance to Ardoris. She glanced at the various fishermen below the bridge. Zazeriz went to the town cryer, checking in when she entered the city. She asked him where Ardoris Imports was located, and he indicated that it was along the docks. Zazeriz asked the town cryer if he happened to know the owner’s name. He said she was called Simone Von Eglinger.

Zazeriz went to the docks nearby and staked out a place to watch Ardoris Imports for a while. The guard barracks being close by made it harder to endlessly watch the shop. Zazeriz kept switching her location and then finally decided to go to the Tavern of the South Wind. Zazeriz paid Draulius, the tavernkeep, to rent out his rooms upstairs. What Zazeriz actually wanted was access to the balcony above the Ardoris Imports. From this vantage point, Zazeriz could keep watch on all the comings and goings into the shop.

After six hours of watching Ardoris Imports, Zazeriz came to the conclusion that Simone Von Eglinger did not run a very good business. No customers came anywhere near her store throughout the entire day. She was sure it was time to confront Simone Von Eglinger and ask her about her involvement in the disappearance of Boniface. Zazeriz walked into the back door and found no one present in the main shop. However, upon entering, Zazeriz could hear someone crying upstairs. Zazeriz followed the sound of the cries and found the second floor empty except for supplies for the shop. On the third floor, Zazeriz found a large desk with books scattered across it and piles of books lying disheveled around the room. There was still no sign of Simone until Zazeriz opened a small closet in the back. There she found Simone Von Eglinger sobbing in a corner.

Upon opening the closet door, Simone Von Eglinger looked up from her tear soaked hands and said, “I’m sorry, but my shop is closed today. Whatever you are here for, I can’t help you with.”

“I’m afraid this cannot wait. I found this talisman of the Tower of the Shuttered Eye left where my friend Boniface was last seen. I have been told that you were the last person to have quarreled with her.” Zazeriz said.

At this question, Simone Von Eglinger burst out crying. Streams of tears poured down her face. “I am so sorry. I had no choice. The spirits from the Tower of the Shuttered Eye told me they would kill me if I did not give the talisman to Boniface.” Simone Von Eglinger said.

“However did you get mixed up with the necromancers of the Tower of the Shuttered Eye?” Zazeriz asked.

“I went the region to get better maps of what is there. You see, I am a cartographer and new and exotic locations sell really well as maps. My store has not been doing well, so I thought I could make a quick profit by drawing the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. I was captured by skeletons upon entering the area. They took me inside where a malevolent voice told me that if I wanted to live, I would have to take the talisman to Boniface in Etceter. During the harvest season, I was to make sure that a healer named Zazeriz was in the locale. After I verified that you were the person mentioned, I made a fabricated story about wanting to buy beer from Boniface. I paid for the beer with gold in a pouch. I hid the talisman in the pouch so that Boniface would receive it. She must not have seen it until later the next morning as I still had the painful tattoo of three headed snake in a circle on my shoulder.” Simone Von Eglinger said through continued sobs.

“A tattoo you say? Was the tattoo something like this?” Zazeriz said, pulling a square piece of dried skin from a pouch on her side.

“Did you kill someone to get that? I could find no way to rub it off.” Simone Von Eglinger said in a horified gasp as she looked at the dried skin.

“This is a piece of my skin. I cut the tattoo off my shoulder and ended the Tower of the Shuttered Eye’s hold over me. I assume your tattoo vanished after you complete the task of delivering the talisman to Boniface.” Zazeriz said.

“Yes. The tattoo and the pain associated with it left me in the morning. I have been scared to death that it would return and kill me.” Simone Von Eglinger said.

“I would advise you never to venture close to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye again, as next time you may not be so lucky. I have received the information I needed and advise you to live a better life. Be happy with the small joys and do not seek wealth for the sake of wealth.” Zazeriz said.

Chapter 5, “Undead, Unknown, and Unprepared.”
Zazeriz left Ardoris Imports and headed back to the center of town. As soon as she got to the town bank, Zazeriz began checking what supplies she had available in Ardoris. Zazeriz had enough reagents and supplies needed to heal an army; and an army she would need. Zazeriz walked outside the bank and peered up into the star studded night sky. She began to concentrate very hard. Zazeriz sent out her call to all the members of Organized Chaos, the guild of which Zazeriz was member of. Immediately, responses came back to Zazeriz. The members of Organized Chaos would come to Zazeriz’ defense. A defense Zazeriz was sure to need as she attempted to rescued Boniface from the Tower of the Shuttered Eye.

Once several members of Organized Chaos had teleported into Ardoris, Zazeriz began relaying the details of the past few days in person. She knew that the Tower of the Shuttered Eye was overrun with undead, having seen it in person some years ago. While Zazeriz could blast through many of the undead with Banish Undead, She would find Boniface much easier and faster with friends helping her to search through the many side chambers of the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. After a considerable amount of minutes explaining to her present companions the details of her latest travels, Zazeriz’ Guild Master Blight Mister teleported to Ardoris to assist.

“Who did you upset this time.” Blight Mister said walking up after appearing silently behind Zazeriz.
“I’ll have you know the fighting in Jacob’s bar in Resolute was not my fault. I simply told Jacob he should not talk to a woman in such a rude manner.” Zazeriz replied after rolling her eyes at Blight Mister.

“If by told you mean punched him in the face then yes you simply told him.” Blight Mister said

“I’m sure if Iron Marshall had heard the way Jacob propositioned Iron Maiden he would have also punched him. I do not take kindly to such public obscenity. However to answer your original question I have upset the restless spirits that dwell in the corrupted bones within the Tower of the Shuttered Eye. If you remember I showed you the tattoo I cut off my shoulder. The spirits of the Tower of the Shuttered Eye thought to make me do their bidding through the magic imbued into the tattoo. I did not regard this as something I would do so I lied to them by telling them I would bring them a bonesteel dagger. I then escaped their possessed tower, cut the tattoo off, and have not gone back since. It seems they did not accept my refusal of service so they sent the hapless Simone Von Eglinger who stumbled on their tower to give a recall imbued talisman to my friend Boniface which would force me to return to their tower with the bonesteel dagger.” Zazeriz said finishing her last sentence slightly winded.

“Wait you found the bonesteel dagger they were looking for?” Blight Mister asked looking puzzled.

“Yes I came across it when I was healing people at the Blood River Massacre.” Zazeriz replied nonchalantly.

“Did you happen to find out why the spirits within the Tower of the Shuttered Eye might want it?” Mister Blight asked.

“The bonesteel dagger was sold to the attackers at the Blood River Massacre by the Satyr in Etceter. I followed the clues to figure out where is was made and who might have purchased it. The bonesteel was forged by a man called Boreas who is said to dwell in a place called the Artifice. We have not traveled there yet but as you may recall I have requested we investigate the place.” Zazeriz replied.

“Alright so we know where the bonesteel dagger comes from but not it’s details. Do you think there might be a connection to the Tower of the Shuttered Eye?” Mister Blight asked.

“Dark forces are working behind the scenes everywhere. It is entirely possible the malevolent spirits in the Tower of the Shuttered Eye want to hide or control the bonesteel dagger for some reason.” Zazeriz said.

“Well that certainly settles it.” Blight Mister said in a voice that attempted to convey authority. “We will Head toward the Tower of the Shuttered Eye, rescue Boniface, and put an end to any spirits that might try to stop use. We will likely need a short amount of time to prepare. I am out of arrows again.”

“ I have six thousand arrows in my inventory for you already. I will give you half of them now and carry the rest for when you need them. This will also allow you to pick up gold and items which I have little use for. I do however need a bit of time. I want to check in with Parker the master Life skill trainer in Ardoris and see if he has any new insights on healing.” Zazeriz said.

“Alright I will wait here in the square for the rest of our guildmates to arrive after I sell all this junk. I’m carrying so much weight with the arrows you gave me I can hardly walk.” Mister Blight said.

“I’m sure someone will be along who can carry you to the vendor if needed.” Zazeriz said in jest then turned around and headed to visit Parker.

February 3 2017

Echoes From the Caverns 02-03-17

Hello everyone! Here is the news of the week:


  • The Making of Upper Fortus
  • The Making of Rhun Ruins
  • The Making of K’rul
  • In the News: Richard Garriott: the man, the myth, the mischief
  • R38 Postmortem on Feb. 7th at 3pm CT
  • Boss Battle of the Avatar Screenshot Contest
  • Origin PC Steam Key Bundle
  • Alienware Steam Key Giveaway
  • R38 Offline Data Format Change – Character Preservation Notice
  • Community Livestream – A Crafting Hub for Developers
  • Doug’s (IronMaiden) Chemo Relief Fund [Update: Telethon with Dev Crafted Gear Auction]
  • New Stuff: Pristine Gothic Mansion Water Home and Water Decorations
  • Upcoming Events
  • Community Resources – Players Helping Players
  • Recommended Projects to Back

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