April 6 2014

04-05-14 / Echoes from the Caverns – A Newscast by Lord Baldrith

3/25/2024 Update:
The Mp3 File for this post is now here.

This is being posted on the new sub site, so if you saw it already thats why – Its really a test post!

Welcome to the Echoes from the Caverns! A Podcast by Lord Baldrith.

Wait.. You already saw this post? Correct!!! However this time.. you will now see a new player previous to this post. In future this is how Echoes from the Caverns will show. You can also choose to download or open in new window.

Wait, there’s more!!!
The feed has been submitted to Itunes and as soon as moderation reviews I will get a link that I will be able to share with you so you can subscribe to it on itunes if you wish.

For now, here is the Itunes podcast cover art chosen. May be updated later 🙂


Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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