May 27 2018

And so Comes Change

Echoes From the Caverns

Hello Folks! This is Sir Stile Teckel with some official announcements!

I want to keep it short so let’s just do that,

As you are most likely aware by now, Lord Baldrith has left the Echoes From the Caverns, to take up other pursuits and needs.

That left the question out there, who will be taking over his spot on the show? Will anyone?

You may have heard through the rumor mill as I did not make a lot of attempts to keep it quit OR if you listened to our last show in whole, you would have heard it on there as well.

That would be me! Now that I work at home for a living I not only do not have time for many hobbies, I also don’t get a chance to talk very often. I’ve come to find I lose my voice rather quickly. So when the opportunity presented to pick up a hobby that doesn’t take a lot of time and I get to talk? No brainer!

Now after talking to the boss a little bit *points over at Asclepius*, he has agreed to try out a couple of ideas I have for the show, in the near future.

I’d rather leave them a surprise, for now, accept to say, expect not to lose anything we have or that you like about it, but do expect some new things to make it a bit more enjoyable for you (we hope)!

Finally, and I may get in trouble for this or even be told that I need to change it, as I hadn’t run it by the previously mentioned boss yet, that I wiped up some new artwork Here it is again so you can blow it up to full size if you’d like!

May 26 2018

Echoes from the Caverns 05-25-2018

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

Game Development

  • Zombie Children
  • Heraldry Items (cont.)

News Announcements

  • Release 54 Livestream
  • Release 54 on the QA Server
  • Release 54 Dance Party
  • Portalarium is Hiring: Web Developer
  • Weekend Flash Sale: Pets & Fur
  • Upcoming Events Calendar

Community Updates

  • Spotlight: Rauchbier Platz
  • Livestream: Westend & Store Housing
  • The 4th Annual Soldier’s Memorial Ball – May 26
  • AERIE Fund – Community Cause – Primal Nature – June 2018
  • Win a $50 Gift Card to!
  • Project to Support: Sybil
  • Resources: Players Helping Players

May 19 2018

Echoes from the Caverns 05-18-2018

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
Game Development

  • Female Peasant Wearables
  • The Making of Shaminian Hills (cont.)
  • Heraldry Items (cont.)

News Announcements

  • Release 54 on the QA Server
  • NPC Submission Requests: Central Brittany
  • Portalarium is Hiring: Web Developer
  • Weekend Flash Sale: Statues
  • Upcoming Events Calendar

Community Updates

  • Livestream: Looking For Group & Heraldry
  • Elaina’s Lost Bow Quest
  • Rauchbier Platz – Virtue, Chaos and Brewing Quests
  • Win a $50 Gift Card to!
  • Project to Support: Wasteland 3
  • Resources: Players Helping Players

May 12 2018

Echoes from the Caverns 05-11-2018

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:

  • Lord Baldrith Departs (oh no!!)
  • Game Development
    • New Creatures: Skeleton Plunderers and Unicorns
    • The Making of Shaminian Hills
    • The Making of Upper Tears
    • The Making of Westend (cont.)
    • R52 Livestream Obsidian Order Items (cont.)
    • Heraldry Items (cont.)

    News Announcements

    • R53 Livestream Results, YouTube & Missed Questions
    • NPC Submission Requests: Central Brittany
    • New Trailers: The Path of Virtue and The Path of Anti-Virtue
    • Portalarium is Hiring: Web Developer
    • Weekend Flash Sale: Fireworks
    • Upcoming Events Calendar

    Community Updates

    • Event (Dev Led): Charge of the Dragons
    • Win a $50 Gift Card to!
    • Project to Support: SOTACON Austin 2018 – VIP Experience Package on sale now!
    • Resources: Players Helping Players

May 5 2018

Echoes from the Caverns 05-04-2018

Greetings Fellow Avatars! Here’s what we have for you in this week’s edition of Update of the Avatar:
Game Development

  • The Making of Westend
  • R52 Livestream Obsidian Order Items (cont.)
  • Heraldry Items (cont.)

News Announcements

  • Double XP Final Week for Release 53!
  • Store Credits Exchange to Gold Crowns: May 7th
  • >NPC Submission Requests: Central Brittany
  • Portalarium is Hiring: Web Developer
  • Weekend Flash Sale: Homes and Lot Deeds
  • Upcoming Events Calendar

Community Updates

  • Community Livestream: Hospitallers & Ambassadors
  • Event (Dev Led): Charge of the Dragons!
  • Event (Community Led): PaxLair’s Campfire Stories Vol II
  • Did You Know: Shroud of the Avatar Has Greenhouses!
  • Recommended Project to Support: Underworld Ascendant
  • Resources: Players Helping Players
May 3 2018

Xak’s song of Revenge – by Xarras

When I have you at my mercy
will I halt and my avenging hand stay
will I not think that justice an investment that day
mercy or murder just a moment away

you’ve trampled the innocent
you cheat and you lie
why should we spare
you lead others to die

Our weapons are sharpened
our potions are strong
our spells are full power
Our grievances long

Or stop to balance the thought that
you might repent your bad ways,
against the reward on your head
and the thought that it just might
make me feel just a bit better that day.

I would gladly give up the honour and the fame
to see you swiftly on your way
to the limbo that is the pay
for your wicked, wicked, wicked ways

You better not blink
You better be sharp
There’ll be no time to think
Cos in the beat of your heart
I will take it away
Take your skull away
I will take your jaw away
Take your bones away

Or stop to balance the thought
that you might repent your bad ways,
against the reward on your head
and the thought that it just help
make me feel a lot better that day.

With my friends and my guild mates
we’ll dance in a line
rejoicing your demise
time after time after time after time . .

May 3 2018

Limericks – by Cock of the North

There was a man from Middle Downs,

He liked to wear short ladies gowns,

The bandits did frown,

As the sun struck his mound,

At the size of the jewels in his crown.

There was a man named Oakenvalley,

He strived and strived to be a Pally,

From elf jokes he triggered,

So one day he figured,

I’ll specialize in crafting instead!

There was a young warrior called Klank,

Who often Shock Monkeys did spank,

When noone was looking,

He levelled his cooking,

By basting a tender ham shank.

May 1 2018

A Day to Remember – by Lilunai Laurasia

Cuando el líder de su banda propuso ir a cazar dragones, pensó que estaba loco, pero pronto se vio envuelta en los preparativos.

Tras unos días de marcha llegaron a un desierto donde al instante divisaron un monstruo gigantesco, ni cinco hombres puestos unos sobre otros llegarían a tocar el pecho del animal. Los rumores que oyeron días antes sobre un valle infestado de dragones eran ciertos.

Se sacaron lanzas, espadas, escudos, flechas y comenzó la batalla. Pronto todo fue un torbellino de polvo, donde destellos metálicos se confundían con llamaradas de fuego. Los rugidos de la bestia se mezclaban con los gritos furiosos de sus compañeros. Desde la distancia ella lanzaba sus conjuros de protección y de sanación, rogando a Sequanna su favor. Nunca se habían enfrentado a nada semejante, cada coletazo era demoledor y las curas pronto empezaron a ser pocas. Aquel engendro del abismo se resistía a sucumbir y aunque sus compañeros eran derribados y heridos, se levantaban de nuevo, mostrando un coraje excepcional. Cuando parecía que no seria posible la hazaña, el dragón empezó a dar muestras de cansancio y se redoblaron los ataques. Por fin, una lanza atravesó las escamas del dragón y con un último rugido ensordecedor, se desplomó.

Incluso ahora, tumbada en la cama se sentía cansada. Aun notaba el peso del escudo en su brazo y le dolía la cabeza. En la oscuridad, sobre la mesilla, veía el resplandor de su varita. Hoy había sido una jornada larga y agotadora. Y sonrió.”

May 1 2018

The Way to Novia – by TalonZorch

Der Weg nach Novia

Das Muster, tief im Netz verborgen

Es schien so offensichtlich, klar,

Doch war es wirklich, wahr?

Schon wieder dräut ein neuer Morgen.

Überall und nirgends greifbar,

Auf Tafeln, Büchern, Digital,

Blieb uns allen keine Wahl,

Und das Muster wurde klar.

Eine Welt so fern und fremd

Doch verwoben mit der unsren

Erschien es wahrlich wie ein Omen

Dort, wo jeder, Avatare kennt.

Uns zieht es an, das Schicksal, unsere Bestimmung

Und so sprachen wir die Formeln

Widersetzten uns der Erden Normen

Und betreten diese Welt, so alt und doch so jung.

Willkommen in Novia, Avatar.​

May 1 2018

Petaluma and the Troll Bridge – by Lone Stranger

Petaluma the Chicken travelled to-and-fro.
This current adventure led him through the cold snow.
He trekked to Ardoris to see a famous painter,
But Petaluma was clueless and unaware of any danger.
He pecked at a speck– maybe it was food?
It was only a pebble he had to conclude.

At the top of a pass, he crossed a long bridge,
But a troll loped in view on the opposite ridge!
He spun to flee, but another appeared,
Blocking his return while scratching his rear.
Two trolls on the span? A cockerel’s nightmare!
(It’s possible in his fear an egg was laid there.)

He was spotted right then when one troll turned his shoulder,
And nearly was flattened by a giant flying boulder.
“CHICKEN!” yelled the troll, stomping closer from one side,
“CHICKEN!” repeated the other, mouth drooling, wide-eyed.
Petaluma had no place to go for escape.
He feared he would become a feathered pancake.

He closed his eyes tight, preparing for the worst,
Peeking out from one lid when he heard the trolls curse.
They were arguing about who had spotted the bird.
His first two steps were slow, but he ran by the third.
They yelled at each other to see who would eat,
Not realizing that with no fowl was no meat.

They wrestled behind as he plodded away.
It’s possible that they still wrestle this day.
But Petaluma doesn’t know. He hightailed it out.
Toward Ardoris he went and continued his route.
Though no one else knew of his bridge troll evading,
His courage was recorded on a nice oil painting.