August 12
Recording Instructions

So you are doing some voice work for Pod-casts for Echoes of the Caverns and are becoming part of The New Britannia Theater Troupe! Here are common questions.
Do I narrate or just the spoken parts?
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Currently Lord Baldrith does all of our narration. We may start adding Asclepius to that role in the future. So unless otherwise asked you would only do the spoken lines. We may need to ask people for narration help on occasion when we have a lot of pieces to produce
What do you mean by voice acting?
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When you are doing a characters lines, be natural, be comfortable. However its like acting – you are doing that character. Try to convey the emotion of the piece. Don’t be shy! Raises your voice, sound sad, shed tears! We are not professional actors and this is all being done in fun, so no one is going to laugh at you – we can’t do any better. Just do your best, have fun with it, and that is good enough!!
What software do I use?
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Any recording software you normally use is fine. If you need something you can download Audacity from here for free.
Audacity: Download.
– Install it. When you are ready to record just hit record and do your lines. Audacity has a LOT of settings and is a powerful program but we do not need you to do all that. Just keep it simple and hit record, and record. We will take care of the rest. If you WANT to play with the program, feel free!
You do not have to do all your lines as different files. You can if you want, but instead hit record, do a line and leave a little blank space. Hit pause until your ready for your next line. Hit record and leave a little space. So forth..
When your done with the file(s), it will not only save the recorded file but there will also be a directory it saves with it!! We need all of that!! You can throw it into a .rar or .zip file and send us the whole thing, directory and all ideally! If you don’t know how to do that then using Audacity choose to “export file” as a .wav. That will save it as a single file so you don’t have to worry about the directories and files it keeps. Its not quite as easy for us to work with and its a large file, but we can make that work.
My Mic is not that good?
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Obviously we want you to use the best microphone you have. What we do not want you to do is go out and buy a new one!! We wouldn’t ask anyone to buy stuff to do this. If you for your own reasons want to buy a really good mic, contact Lord Baldrith and he can make recommendations on a good one at as low cost as possible. Use what you have!! Gaming headsets are ok also. f you have more then one option try to use the one that’s the best quality. The biggest thing is try to not have background noises when you record (TV, phone ringing, dogs barking, kids screaming). If you do a line and get an unexpected sound, just record that line again. Lord Baldrith will edit out as much of the “background mic hiss” that he can.
I have the file(s) for you how do i get them to you?
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These will often be to large for email. The preferred method is sending us the file via file submissoin. You will need to get the password from a member of the staff. The link is on the front page of the site or click here.
If you do not like that you have a few options! If you use a file sharing service like DropBox or Google drive – send us the link. That is 100% ok! Send the link to either Stile or Lord Baldrith (whichever one gave you the lines to do is the best one to send it to). Leave it up for a couple weeks if you don’t mind, just in case we don’t grab it right away or need to grab it a second time.
You say ill be part of The New Britannia Theater Troupe? What is the difference between that and Echoes from the Caverns?
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Echoes from the Caverns is my website. Its the “Pod-casting service” name for the overall coordination and distribution of things. Its what the pod-casts are listed at on Itunes. The New Britannia Theater Troupe is the people we work with or whom we have worked with for producing them. I like to use the real life Actors guild as an example. If you’ve ever acted you are a member of the Actors guild – Even extras get in if they’ve done a minimum amount. The New Britannia Theater Troupe is like that. If you have written something, voiced something, or participated in a piece in any way then you are a member – forever. Please note though you are not added until your piece is published! Whatever your involvement in has to go out live before your official!