September 18 2014

The Cure, by the Vagabond – Part 1- narrated by Isaiah

12/27/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Aclepius, with another wonderful story narrated by Isaiah. It is entitled
The Cure, by the Vagabond, part 1.
Background music is “Lurid Delusion” by Matthew Pablo, at

The Cure, by The Vagabond (Part 1 of 2)

I’ve lived on the streets for months now after I wrote my other letters. Now that I’ve written about my dealings with the Obsidian order to warn people, the thoughts have been getting worse. I fear there will be no escape from this terror I am feeling inside. It is miserable, and I feel like I’m on the edge of an endless and eternal suffering. Killing myself may lead to worse suffering if the Order has some how magically has a hold on my soul.

There seems to be no way out. I’ve known of alchemists that use herbs to quite the thoughts of madmen. I didn’t want to go to them because I know that I am fine except for the fact that the Obsidians are pushing evil thoughts into my head. Not only thoughts, but they manipulate my mind so that I feel unexplainable rage, and dysphoria that felt like an inward fire mixed with unending weakness and the feeling of not wanting to move, and yet not moving makes me feel worse.

That’s it! I’m going to an alchemist. I thought that maybe if I went along with the Obsisians’ plot to make me look crazy, that they would leave me alone. It couldn’t hurt. In fact if I pretended that I believed I was crazy then maybe the Obsidians would stop wasting their time with me. Maybe they will let me live in peace so that I don’t talk about them again. I should never have spoken openly about them. The strange thing is my wife found me, because she was worried about me, and she wanted to help me go to one of the alchemists for help. I knew this was a setup by the Obsidian Order, but at this point I was suffering so much I didn’t care. I knew she would tell the alchemist that I was crazy and totally twist what happened so that she looked right, and I looked crazy, but I was fine with that at this point.

We traveled to Kingsport and I found one of the alchemists in the town. Lots of crazies travel through there due to the fighting on the nearby island. When I entered the house of the alchemist he asked me what I was experiencing. I was fearful to be honest. I didn’t want to break any more rules of secrecy. Also right before I began speaking I could hear several mounted people riding by the house. I knew how the Order sends indirect messages, and I knew that the sound of the horses was there way of letting me know they had troupes watching me in case I said something wrong. So I told him that I always feel bad, and I have uncontrollable thoughts and miserable feelings.

Then my wife looked at me, and said “That isn’t all of it…

To be continued

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 17 2014

Shattered – written and narrated by Amber Raine

12/21/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone; here is another exquisite poem written and narrated by Amber Raine; it is entitled


Background music “Lover’s Touch” by Smartsound.

Here is the text:

Shattered, my emotions in pieces on the floor
Broken, my heart begging for you to adore
Fractured, my smile ceases to be
Splintered, my memories of us wishing to be created and set free
Aching, my arms wishing to embrace you ever so tight
Starless, my dreams empty without you each night
Take these scattered puzzle pieces of what is left of me
From your hands to the table combine them if it is meant to be
Fear to speak my love for you leave it to be left unknown
Piece them together if you wish building the image which is shown
Turned and placed this piece indeed does fit into there
Each secret I have locked away becoming clearer, do you dare?
Continue filling the gaps the picture matching the display
My heart once again becoming complete with each piece that is played
Last piece now rests trembling and volatile within your shaking hand
Do you dare finish the puzzle or place it aside, your choice depicts where we stand.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 14 2014

Forbidden Love – written and Narrated by Amber Raine

12/17/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is another powerful and emotional poem written and narrated by Amber Raine, of Avatars Radio, entitled

Forbidden Love

Background music is “Romance Sonata” by Smartsound. Here is the text:

Forbidden Love, by Amber Raine

Aimless in the darkness of the abyss,
Elvin and Dragon, the one to be two
Let me escape this loneliness
Fend off these cravings for you

Restricted to this fate
Blood-red tears on morning dew
My life turned upside down
Forbidden is love, with or without you

Previously finding peaceful insanity
You break my walls, I let you inside
Your face remains to haunt me
I shall die here my love, freedom denied

Erratic now is my sensibility
Save me from this pain of day
Your draconian wings to set me free
Our forbidden love will find a way.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 14 2014

Sebastian Comes of Age – written by Boomer – Narrated by Asclepius

12/12/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, with a great story from Boomer, entitled

Sebastian Comes of Age

Background music “Blackmoor Tides” and “Soliloquy”, by Matthew Pablo at

The only memory Sebastian had from his former life was of his mother desperately holding on to his dying father as the ship heeled over from the enormous wind. The decks ran red with the blood of slain seamen, while skeletal warriors raised gory swords in salute to the black-robed wizard commanding their actions. The ship’s wheel had been commandeered by a skeleton, festooned with the tatters of a rotting naval uniform. This monstrosity had put the wheel hard over, steering the doomed vessel onto the roiling surf of the reef. Its fleshless skull was arched back, jaws agape in a macabre imitation of joy. Sebastian’s mother’s magic was holding back the vaporous stream of life-sucking black that swirled between her and the wizard.

A moment of distraction had been enough to end the fight. Sebastian had slid across the deck towards the tumultuous sea. In a blink his mother had shifted her attention and saved his life by casting him onto the beach while the blackness had engulfed her.

Now ten years later, Sebastian celebrated this day as his birthday, the day he was found by some villagers from Kingsport. Most of the wording on the water and blood soaked documents found on him was illegible. “Sebastian _____, aged six, beware Grand _____ Quel___” were the only words that remained.

For most of these ten years the villagers had treated him well. None had adopted him. The evidence of magic with his origins had provoked too much fear. Innkeeper Abbot had, however, set up a small room at the Hearth Inn in exchange for cleaning chores and killing rats in the sewers. Alchemist Julia had encouraged his reading skills and Merchant Nache had generously bought all the cotton he could gather.

Lately, though, hordes of skeletal warriors were preventing him from making any excursions into the sewers. Out of town, the trails and woods he know so well were occupied by hostile elves. In the deep woods, centaurs ruled. In the mountains, giant spiders roamed. Now that Sebastian was 16, villagers were starting to believe that he was somehow instrumental in the arrival of these infestations. Many villagers were starting to treat him with disrespect, especially Mayor Hargrove and some of the guards. Joining Anton and the smugglers seemed all but inevitable.

But then he found out that elves carry gold.

(to be continued)

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 14 2014

The Pain Within, the Pain Without – written and narrated by Amber Raine

12/5/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone. This is a beautiful and dark poem written and performed by Amber Raine. Background music is “Lover’s Touch/Missing you” by Smartsound.

Here is the text:

The Pain within, the Pain without, by Amber Raine

Black as nightmares are my dreams
Pure starless darkness is my night
Creating tainted fake smiles, my heart so broken
Nothing any longer worth the fight.

Black as eclipses are my tears
Blinding behind my bleeding eyes
No rainbows, no golden rays shall reappear
No-one else will she hold so dear

Black are my deepest thoughts
Violently wandering in my head
Can no longer draw the picture to connect the dots
No longer knowing the difference between good and bad

Black has become my world
Pitch-dark outside and in
All the vortexes have become swirled
No more shadows to hide within

Black is all that shall ever remain
I let go, forever releasing him.
I am fighting no more
From behind my personal black prison door.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 13 2014

Some updates from Echoes of the Caverns!

Hey just a few updates fans!

First of, I hope youve been enjoying the guest feature on the weekly news casts. If you want to be one, please, please, contact me!!!

Next up, all you authors out there.. SEND US YOUR STUFF! It can be hard for me to catch everything and ask for permissions. If you come to us, it helps a LOT. While i typically keep up with the forums, I’m not perfect 🙂

The news casts… If you have news you want us to include, send it to us!!! Community project, guild event, anything. If it makes sense well include it on the news cast, the community calendars if applicable, and ill blog about it from the Caverns Community site as well!

On a down side note.. Lord Baldrith as you should know, was on vacation. Unfortunately hes returned to some life “crap”. We have told him, make us your last priority right now. Were missing you, my friendship and appreciation goes out to you, until you have the time to hop back on board.. at whatever pace and time allows with your new developments! He help founded this whole thing and he is top executive staff. There are times I’m to busy to do much with stuff.. and I expect him to be patient with me and wait until I have time – and I will do no less for him!! So for a little while, Asclepius might be handling things a little more solo.. Then again Lord Baldrith might be back with us at full force in a few days – so well play that by ear, with our full support!!

Speaking of which, I AM a bit behind on some things myself at this point in time, so be patient *winks*

Finally, in addition to all the cool pieces weve been putting out we are VERY near completing the BIG piece we’ve been working on and talking about for about 3 months. We are waiting on one person to get us some revised lines.. and for Baldrith to have the MANY MANY hours editing will take, and we will the be airing it.. There is also talk of a “special version” to be released later but.. shh.. im not going to tell you anything about that for now *winks*.

Take care!

The New Britannia Theater Troupe

Posted by Sir Stile Teckel - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 12 2014

Echoes from the Cavern – 09.12.2014

12/4/2024 Update:
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Hello everyone, this is Asclepius with this week’s Echoes from the Cavern. Had a wonderful time talking with our special guest this week

Browncoat Jayson

Hope you enjoy!

News Team logo with moon

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 11 2014

Spies Within – Pt 2 – by the Vagabond – Narrated by Isaiah

12/1/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius. Once again I’m glad to welcome Isaiah, to bring us the third instalment of this captivating story. This is entitled Spies Within, – Part 2. Background music is “Evasion” by Matthew Pablo, at

Spies Within, by the Vagabond – Part 2 of 2.
She furrowed her eyebrows and said, “Are you serious?” when I continued she said, “You are really crazy, I’m taking our daughter and we’re going to your parents’ house.” I could not believe her reaction. We were married for years, and we had a child together. How could she turn on me so quickly over something as simple as this? How could she choose them over me? She would rather protect the Obsidian’s secrecy, than be up front with me? Then I thought, why is she going to my parent’s house? Is it because they live closer than her relatives? Wait, what if she was going to go to my relatives and try to turn them against me, and make them think I was crazy too? I immediately saddled up and headed toward my parents’ house as fast as possible.

When I got there my father greeted me, still a strong man, stopped me at the door and would not let me pass. I was talking a mile a minute trying to explain everything, but she had already got to him. I tried to tell him that she was a member of the Obsidian Order, and she was choosing them over me. I was close with my father, I knew he would understand. He didn’t understand though. Instead he acted cold towards me, and said, “Yeah, yeah, and the walls can talk to you, and they are always listening, Right?” At that point my heart almost stopped. How did he know about the messages on the walls, and one of the messages said they are always listening? I told nobody about that!

I told my father, “It is one thing for my wife to turn on me, but you are turning against your own flesh and blood. I’m your only son. You know me, and you would rather side with them? I don’t know what they have over you, but this isn’t right. This is the most evil thing I’ve ever heard of. Choosing an organization over me.” He wouldn’t listen to a word and kept talking over me. Finally, he said he would call for the guards to have them throw me in prison for threatening his life. I NEVER THREATENED HIS LIFE!!! Why is he making this stuff up. This is all so evil. I HATE IT! I hope there is a God, or some type of force that will punish this evil. I DID NOTHING WRONG! I only made the mistake of speaking directly about the Obsidian Order. Any organization that would deliberately ruin the life of somebody in order to hide their secrets is an evil organization! I hate this. They are all so passive aggressive, there’s no way to prove anything!!! Anybody who reads this, this is only part of what I experienced. I will write more. Stay away from the Obsidian Order!

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 10 2014

Spies Within, Pt 1 – by the Vagabond – Narrated by Isaiah

11/27/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius, welcoming back our guest narrator Isaiah, for the second of three parts in this fascinating story. This part is entitled Spies Within, Part 1. Background music is “Evasion” by Matthew Pablo at

SPIES WITHIN, by The Vagabond (Part 1 of 2)

Ever since my encounter with the guard, I’ve been encountering clues everywhere. Each day I keep thinking I’m getting closer and closer to joining the Obsidian Order, or whatever this is. They keep testing me and I keep clearly passing the tests. Some of it almost seems like hazing. Although I’m starting to feel a little confused as to who these people are because they are acting so secret, and indirect. The strange thing is my wife seems to know about everything going on. I don’t know how, but she always has a smile on her face as if she were keeping something from me.

How could my wife have been a member of a secret organization and I never knew it? This has been fun so far, but now it is starting to get a little bit annoying. Just let me join, or have me meet some guy in a private room already! I’m tired of all this feeling out stage, why don’t they just send a note to me telling me to meet some guy in a hooded mask in some private place, and initiate me already? That’s it! I’m just going to pry a little with my wife.

When I returned home, I saw my wife busy as usual working in the garden which she always enjoys doing. This is one of the things I love about her. I greeted her with a kiss. I didn’t begin asking questions all at once. But I began with simple indirect questions about me changing careers. I told her that I think I could do much better in a job that uses my mind, rather than working as a blacksmith. She agreed with me and gave me a smile. She said, “Don’t worry, I believe you will find something soon that you will enjoy.”

This was the type of conversation we kept having off and on for the next few days. She obviously knows that the Obsidian Order is considering me as a recruit, but why is it taking so long? Why all this hidden stuff? I finally just got frustrated, and figured since she’s my wife we can keep a secret. So I asked her plainly, “So when is it going to happen?” Then she replied, “When is what going to happen?” I replied angrily, “When are you guys going to let me know if I’m accepted or not?” She kept acting confused as if she didn’t know what I was talking about, but I could always tell when she was holding something back. She is not a good liar. It was very clear she knew darn well what I was talking about. I started getting angry, and flat out said, “I know you are a member of the Obsidian Order, and I know you are trying to recruit me. Why the hell is this taking so long, I’m tired of this!”

To be continued….

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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September 8 2014

The Cursed Mind – by the Vagabond – Narrated by Isaiah

11/22/2024 Update:
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-You can listen to the Mp3 File for this post now, on Youtube, here:

Hello everyone, this is Asclepius. I’m very pleased to introduce another guest narrator, this time Isaiah, from the SotA community. He will be presenting an enthralling story in three parts – here is the first part, entitled “The Cursed Mind, by the Vagabond” Background music is “Evasion” by Matthew Pablo at

THE CURSED MIND, by the Vagabond

To anybody who reads this,

I know that I’ve been cursed. All these seemingly unrelated people are all members of an underground Obsidian Order. I use to think the Obsidians were just a historical group, and nothing of any real significance, as you might have thought. I also never thought of myself as a conspiracy theorist.

This is where it gets weird. It began one day as I spoke with one of the guards in front of Owl’s Head. He said I was an outlander, then he changed his mind. He smiled at me, turned his head, and then he looked back with a smile and winked. I looked in the direction that the guard turned his head. I looked closely, and scratch marks on the wall said, “The Order welcomes you”. I thought it was just graffiti, but I kept noticing more small words in town on the walls. One said, “We are watching,” and another said, “We are many”. Every time I noticed these markings I had just been thinking about the Obsidian Order.

I went to the pub, and a new bartender I never met before served me a drink. I talked to him and he said, “Oh, I’m part of a new guild that came to town the other day. We need of some fresh minds to do some magical research.” After saying this, he winked at me exactly like the guard at the front gate. He looked over at a table of four people sitting adjacent to me, and they all looked back and smiled. At this point I realized that it is possible that I’m being followed, and that these people were some how inviting me into their group, but trying to keep it very secret.

I was excited at first, but one day I made a huge mistake. I directly asked one of the people I thought might be a member of the Obsidian Order, if in fact they were a member of the Obsidian Order. They laughed and denied it, but looked at me with furrowed brows. After this people started looking at me strangely every place I went. I thought, maybe I made a mistake by being so direct. Perhaps a group like the Obsidian Order would want to keep their existence a secret I thought. Were they able to read my thoughts? I don’t know. It seemed like everybody was against me, and that they were pushing evil thoughts into my head. I couldn’t bare the anxious thoughts, so I left town and have lived on the streets ever since.

I know that these things seem like they could just easily be made up by my mind, but they aren’t! It really happened, and it is unexplainable. I write this so that anybody reading this, will please watch out, they are all around us. My whole life was ruined. They made me look crazy so nobody would believe me. Just don’t get involved.

Album with EQ - B&A - Stile T as SM

Posted by Asclepius - Email Author
Visit The Caverns Website.
Please note: This is a SotA community run project, and any and all content may deviate from the fictional canon of the game.

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