June 7

Echoes from the Caverns is a podcasting service started by Lord Baldrith and Stile Teckel. As the project has grown and more people have joined to help out with a growing and expanding pool of projects, a need for a community name of those contributing to the final product was needed. With the suggestions of the crew, The New Britannia Theater Troupe was born. They are everywhere! In the Forums, members of their own guilds, on their own websites, or even contributing to the game itself. Sometimes they come together and perform as the Troupe!
Those listed here have assisted in a “published”, “acted”, “Written”, or “finished” a project. Those who are participating in products but that have not been listed yet.. Once your production goes live you shall join the cast list. Once a member of the cast, always a member of the cast! Like the Actors Guild of Earth you must only perform once to be considered a member.
If you have a website or forum thread you call your own you would like included with your listing, please do not hesitate to ask! If you have been missed it was accidental and PLEASE tell us!
I now present to you the full listing of The New britannia Theater Troupe!
Cast - Management
Name | Details |
Lord Baldrith | Producer, Director, Narrator, and Voice Actor |
Asclepius | Assitant Producer, Director, Narrator, and Voice Actor |
Stile Teckel | Producer, Director, Voice Actor, Writer, and Stage Manager (PR Work, Web design, Graphics, Pod-casting Authorization’s, and related “tech”) |
Cast - Consulting Staff
Name | Details |
Amber Raine | Avatar Radio Consultant (Also writer and voice actor). Also helps with PR. |
Gabriel Nighshadow | Music Director (and Writer) |
Time Lord | Jester and Casting help |
Voice Actors
Name | Details | Links |
Amber Raine | Voice Acting | Avatars Radio |
Apollox Evanheart | Voice Acting | |
Ariella | Voice Acting | |
Asclepius | Voice acting and Narrator - and Editor | |
Avatar Acid | Voice Acting | |
Barataria | Narration in Spanish | |
Brian D. Taylor | Voice Acting | |
Brian Manown | Voice Acting | |
Bubonic | Voice Acting | |
Carlin Archer | Voice Acting | |
Cipheruzmad | Voice Acting | |
Cordelayne Valkaris | Voice Acting | |
Dame Lori | Voice Acting | |
Davenrock | Voice Acting | |
David Peters | Voice Acting | |
Doctor Shroud | Voice Acting | |
Duke Greagoir | Voice Acting | |
Dwalin Bruchberg | Voice Acting | |
Elizabeth | Voice Acting | |
Iazon Paragon | Voice acting his own work | |
Indi Martin | Voice Acting | |
Isaiah | Voice Acting | |
Jack Knyfe | Voice Acting | |
JLWChambers | Voice Actor and Narration | Website
Itunes |
Joe Garrity | Voice Acting | |
Jynx | Voice Acting | |
Kamie | Voice Acting | Mostly Harmless Guild - Gaming Community - Welcome!. |
KuBaTRiZeS | Voice Acting and author | |
Lady Adnor | Voice acting and Narrator | |
Little Geek Lost | Voice Acting and Narrator | Little Geek Lost website |
Logan (Chips36) | Voice Acting | |
Lord Baldrith | Voice actor, Singer, and Narrator | Wizards Rest player town |
Lord Trenyc as | Voice Acting | |
Mad Hermit, the | Voice Acting | |
Majoria | Voice Acting | |
Margaritte | Voice Acting | |
Sarg | Voice Acting | |
Selene Noctua | Voice Acting | |
Sharm | Voice Acting, Music Composer, Stage Actor | |
Sir Cabirus | Voice Acting | |
Solstar | Voice Acting | |
Solstar | Voice Acting | |
Sophi | Voice Acting | |
Static Grazer | Voice Acting | |
Stephen J. Goldman | Voice Acting | |
Steve (Lacr0bat) | Voice Acting | |
Stile Teckel | Voice Acting | |
Stryker Sparhawk | Voice Acting | |
Sunlara | Narrator | |
Thornrage | Voice Acting | |
Valkaris | Voice Acting | |
Woftam | Voice Acting | |
Cast - Supporting Writers/Authors
Name |
Amber Raine |
Andartianna |
Apollox Evanheart Narrated |
Archaaz |
Ariela |
Avatar Acid |
Barataria |
Baron Drocis Fondorlatos |
Belladonna Rose |
Blake Blackstone |
Blaquerogue |
Boomer |
Bow Vale |
Browncoat Jayson |
Bubonic |
Cerus - TG Community Manager |
Cianna |
Cock of the North |
Deloria |
Dizzysol |
Duke Greagoir |
Duke Vallas |
Elgarion De’Kahli |
EMPstrike |
Ender Andrew |
Eriador |
Faelam of Libris |
Fionwyn Wyldemane |
Gabriel Nightshadow |
Gaelis |
Greyhaven |
Holt |
Houston Dragon |
Iazon Paragon |
Isaiah |
Islug Teckel |
Jatvardur |
Jivalax |
Joviex |
Justicevalla |
Kobold Skrek’Kex |
KuBaTRiZeS |
Lady Aijou |
Languard |
Lendrick |
Lendrick Dawnfire |
Lich Lord Ravicus |
Lilunai Laurasia |
Lone Stranger |
Lord Baldrith |
Lord Beaumaris |
Lord Tachys alFahn |
Malkhelm |
Myrcello |
Net |
Nick |
Olthadir |
Redfish |
Reebdog |
Ronan |
Royou |
Rune74 |
Sir Frank |
Sir Hemlock |
Spoon |
Stile Teckel |
Sunswords |
TalonZorch |
Tekkamansoul |
Themo Lock |
Timelord |
Trapper |
Ulf Berht |
Vandige |
Voice Acting |
Vyrin |
Womby |
Xarras |
xerxesv |
Zerowon |
Guests on Newscasts
Cast - Play Actors
Name |
Amber |
Asclepius |
Cordelayne |
Doctor Shroud |
Duke Greagoir |
Jynx |
Lady Adnor |
Lord Baldrith |
Sharm |
Sir Stile Teckel |
Sophie |
Static Gazer |
Womby |
Music and Sound effects
Credit to all music we use is recorded as part of the pod-casts and will usually also be indicated in the text of the post of that podcast. We try to use music from community members but we also use music that is from websites which is free to use so long as in the recordings credits the authors are mentioned and so forth. While not required as an added courtesy I wanted to provide a list of the composers we use. They are as much a part of the cast as everyone else! Since this was something added long after we started pod-casting it may be missing some and will be added if ever determined.
Name | Link | Notes |
810 | | |
Alexandr Zhelanov | | |
Android128 | | |
Aran Koning | | |
Avatar Acid | | Special thanks to Avatar Acid for all the things he has done for me -Stile Teckel |
Bf5man | | |
Brian Pressley and Alex Pressley | | |
Ceninan | | |
Cynicmusic | | |
Deadearth | | |
Eliot Corley | | |
Eliot Corley from ChaosIsHarmony | | |
Ginchco | | |
Grindhold and grindhold.de | | |
HorrorPen | OpenGameArt.org | |
Jan125 | | |
Jdagnet | | |
Jesus Lastra | | |
Joe Baxter-Webb at BossLevelVGM | | |
Joseph Gilbert Kistol | | |
Kistol | | |
Matthew Pablo | | |
Megupets | | |
MikeeUSA | | |
Pioneers of Future | | |
Pixelsphere.org | | |
Recap Band | Recap - Rock/Rap From Another Planet | Specail thanks to The Recap Band and Dom and John (The Space Bards) for all the things they have done for me. Not only am I fan but they have given me a lot. Thank you -Stile Teckel |
Sharm | | |
Smartsound | | |
SoundJay | SoundJay.com - Free Sound Effects | A Large majority of our sound effects come from Soundjay! |
Steven J Goldman | Four Legs Records | Special thanks to Steven Goldman for all the things he has done for me -Stile Teckel |
Szymon Matuszewski-01 | | |
Tecpow | | |
Telaron | OpenGameArt.org | |
VWolfdog | | |
Zander Noriega | | |